One by one, the guns dropped, the men went back to their cars, leaving me, Addison and the bastard standing there in a face-off. I flashed a smile.

“Happy now?”

“You’re still here, Mark. Every fucking person has to leave, and that includes you. No special treatment, rich guy. Get the fuck out of here.”

My hands raised in mock surrender, my gun still in one hand, I drew her attention to my eyes, and gave her a slight wink. “I do whatever I want whenever I want, but I’ll leave now.” I began to back away. “Keep her safe. Let her go.”

“Keep going, then I will decide.”

“Sure. Just ... hold on, there’s something you need to see first. I thought it would make a good parting gift to, you know, let you know who’s in charge here.” Her eyes caught mine again as I dug around in my pocket. The small steel clinked on my finger, and I fished out the pear-shaped ring. With a grin, I raised it high so he could see it. “Remember this?”

And when he did, that was all she needed.

He growled. “Son of a—fuck!”

She jammed her elbow into his crotch and pressed herself against him, so hard that his arm loosened around her. This created a gap big enough for me to take the shot. Correction, the shots.

Happily, I aimed and fired.



“You paralyzed him.”

That was the first thing she muttered since we entered the office. She took a seat on the other side of the desk and decided that her fingers deserved more attention than I did. I pulled open the drawer on the desk and took a lighter to the cigarette between my lips.

I exhaled and white-gray smoke rings settled in the space between us. “I’d hardly call it that.” I shrugged. “He still has his tongue and his tiny dick.”

She slid back and forth in her seat, keeping her head down and playing with her fingers.

It drives me fucking crazy how she fidgets with her fingers.

After the drama with Logan, I didn’t know what to expect from her when we went back to my place. But awkward silence was the least I expected. Something was going on in her head and I was going to find out what it was.

“Two shots to his kneecaps, one on his left shoulder, and another just below a delicate point that would have caused a heart rupture.” She mumbled.

“Do you still care for him?”


I blew out more puffy clouds and swirled in my leather chair. A strange feeling of relief came over me at her answer and I closed my eyes. Then the question gnawed at me: why the hell did I care so much if she still liked him? Because ... I could hear my subconscious rearing its head with answers.

Because you want her. Need her.

Addison Mae was like a drug that captivates you and keeps you hooked. Like a fucking addiction. With her, I always wanted more. And still, it wouldn’t be enough. I couldn't bear the thought of another man tasting that drug. She should have been a distraction, like the other women were; nothing more than an available toy to pass the time. But she was different. I was so hypnotized that I couldn’t process any rational thoughts. The moment I touched her, the animal in me came out. She fucked with my mind. Made me want to have and breathe everything Addison.

I missed the sound of her voice, humming crazy tunes. I missed her in my kitchen. On my bed. Naked. Spread out. Just for me.

As unusual as it was, I couldn’t help but find every single detail about her fascinating, no matter how hard I tried to stop myself. She was loving, kind, and had a big heart with room for everyone. But I didn’t want everyone in it; only me was fine. Just fucking perfect.

“You hate him,” she said.

I stared at the curve of her mouth; the fullness of her lips, and how soft and delicious I knew they tasted. Kissing her once was a tease. Kissing her twice sent my blood rushing south, needing her.

“I do.”

Her long, brown hair fell forward and veiled her face like a dark river. I remembered how Logan’s fist had wrapped around it, and wished I had severed a finger or two to remind him that he should never touch my woman again.