My eyes hardened. And so did my cock.
“I ...” she glanced down at her feet. “I need clothes.”
A laugh rose in my chest, and I didn’t bother to suppress it. She stared at me as if I were mad but looked on expectantly. I backed away and gave her some space.
My eyes scrutinized the dirty, baggy sweatshirt that clung to her body and the shorts that barely covered her fine piece of ass. When she noticed my stern look, she tugged the hem of the shirt down.
No doubt about it, the dirty clothes with a big LOGAN printed in white on the chest belonged to him. I liked the shorts. As for the sweatshirt ... Yuri was going to fucking burn it until there were no ashes left.
I turned around and took her hand.
“Come with me.”
Chapter 8 - Addison
“If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn’t have fallen for the second.” – Johnny Depp.
“You have to stop looking at me like I’m going to kill you.”
I saw his mouth move, but I could hardly process the words.
How could I when my heart was beating as if I’d run a marathon at the Olympics? It had been pounding so hard since that moment at the sink. I had tried to get it out of my head, but nothing worked. And to add to the discomfort, we were alone, just the two of us, in his bulletproof black Mercedes.
Playing with my fingers was the only distraction that sufficed. It distracted my eyes from his firm jaw sporting a slight scruff beard, and the fullness of his perfectly proportioned mouth that was latched onto my neck just a moment ago.
The mere memory of it made my beating heart skip a beat.
I couldn’t go on like this. Say something. I had to say something to dispel the awkwardness in the air. I cleared my throat. “Then don’t look at me like that; like you’re going to kill me.”
He scoffed but didn’t say anything.
So, I snuck another glance and suddenly wished I hadn’t. When I saw him under the colorful flashing streetlights, I had to swallow and squeeze my legs together. And the sight of his slender, long fingers comfortably gripping the steering wheel brought back memories of the ghost trails he left on my arm and how tenderly he brushed my hair back.
My toes curled and warm tingles rushed to my core.
Everything about him made me nervous. In an excited kind of way. I couldn’t explain it. He frightened me and yet, I felt drawn to him.
What was wrong with me?
This man kidnapped me, hurt Logan, lied to my family, and threatened me. I should be repulsed by him, loathe him. Instead, I fantasized about how good it felt to be caged between his solid chest and the kitchen sink.
“Just don’t do anything fucking stupid, alright? And then we’d be good. If you decide to break the rules, you should remember, I know Maria Simmon’s current location. You don’t want to mess with me, hermosa. Even if you run, you can’t hide. The Bratva rules this city. I have eyes everywhere.”
His voice brought me back to the world of reality and threats fired at my innocent best friend, who was completely clueless as to the current circumstances of things.
My brows wrinkled. “I don’t understand. I’m in a moving car.”
“And it is not unexpected for a girl like you to try and jump out.”
A girl like me?
I suddenly itched to know his perception of me.
He eyed me. “I’m not stupid. I’ve rehearsed twenty different ways this ride could go south.”