Page 84 of Captive Omega

Is he looking sheepish or is that just in my head?

“I thought you didn’t like homework.” At least, according to Garrison.

“This type of homework I don’t mind.” His smile is boyish. “You must be wondering why I’m here and not Garrison and Blaine.”

Not really.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think Vaughn was trying to change the subject. I let him. For now. But his avoidance makes me even more curious about the book he couldn’t stuff into his bag fast enough. “I am.”

He smothers a yawn and nods at my bedside table. “Garrison thought there was less chance of you using that on me when you woke up.”

Guilt churns in my gut at the thought of him spending the night sitting on what has to be a cold, sterile floor. Until the knife sitting on my bedside table distracts me.

I left it on the armchair last night. Yet there it is, within grabbing distance. Which means during the night, someone went back to the house to get it for me.

I look at it for several seconds and then I pick it up and place it in my lap. Someone leaving a knife on your bedside table should make you run for the hills, not want to hug the person who left it.

“Sometimes I hug it before I fall asleep.” I brace myself for him to tell me I’m crazy for doing something so stupid.

“I used to do the same with my stars until I woke up and they were…” His pause makes me lift my head in time to see him wince. “Well, they were in an uncomfortable place.”

Maybe I’m not as messed up as I thought I was. Unless…

My eyes narrow. “Are you crazy?”

“Nope. Though Garrison might disagree.” His grin is so cheerful I bite the inside of my cheek to hide my smile.

“So hugging the stars…”

“You mean keeping my weapons close so I can protect myself?” he gently corrects me. “That doesn’t sound crazy to me. Does it to you?”

Never have I related to truer words.

“It doesn’t sound crazy to me,” I say, embracing my attachment to this knife. “If I asked why, would you tell me?”

“I wouldn’t have minded having a weapon in juvie to defend myself. I guess that’s why.”

He went to juvie?

I try to picture the easygoing, handsome blond beta in a juvenile detention center and I just can’t. Whatever he did must have been serious.

“How old were you?”

“Sixteen. It was… let’s just say it wasn’t a nice place to be. The guards didn’t always care to intervene when shit went down. Better we attack each other than them, right?” He nods at the closed door. “Want me to get Sadie?”

Not really. I want to ask how long he was there for and what he did, but he’s backing up, still smiling with the mysterious bag draped over his shoulder.

It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. “Okay.”

He’s gone long enough for me to realize that Sadie might not appreciate trying to check my stats or whatever she needs to do while I have a knife in my lap.

I tuck it under my pillow for safekeeping seconds before Sadie appears in the doorway, smiling.

She’s in a different pair of scrubs than the night before. Pink instead of purple and her hair is in two braids. Either the clinic has a place for her to rest and shower or she went home because she doesn’t look nearly as tired as Vaughn, who I suspect spent all night watching over me.

“How are you feeling?” she asks, walking over to me.
