Page 103 of Casanova LLC

Her head whipped back to me. “Really? But it’s undeniable. You’re so…undeniable.”

I could have said the same to her.

She pivoted fully to me. “The proportion thing, really, it’s such a nonissue. I looked at your website, your other paintings, they’re perfect.”

“So why don’t you want one of them?”

“I mean, I’d happily take all of them, but…because the early one is not perfect. It’s your potential. Seeing not only who you are, but who you want to be.”

How could I be so intimidated, attracted, and grateful at the same time? Who…was this woman?

On instinct, like two animals at a watering hole, we turned. Craven was twenty feet away, closing in on us, wrapping a scarf around his neck.

“Oh.” She looked surprised. “I’ll grab my coat.”

“No, stay.”

“But I thought we were going out.”

“I know, I know, but the party went later than I thought. I gotta go meet Carter and Quinn, and you know how they are. Apparently they have a surprise for me.” He gave me a bro-y grin. “With those two it could be anything from a car to a hooker.”

“Richard!” She gave him a semi-playful slap.

“I’m joking.” He mouthed theatrically at me: no, I’m not. Then he winked at her. He held out his hand and I took it as briefly as possible. “You’ll see that my precious jewel is returned safely to her hotel?”

“Richard.” Not so playful this time. “I don’t need an escort.”

He didn’t even look at her, just at me. “And I don’t need you on the streets of New York alone. Vianello?”

“It would be a pleasure.”

He kissed her on the cheek. She took his arm and said, quietly, “I’d like a moment together? Just one? Before you leave?”

“Babe, I gotta go. They’re waiting.” He pinched her chin. “See you tomorrow. I’ll be the guy in the tux at the end of the aisle.” He winked at her again, then spun away. “Don’t keep her up too late,” he called. “She needs her beauty sleep!”

We watched him go and I could feel her disappointment. She didn’t look at me as we turned back to the painting. “You were saying?”

“I believe you were saying. Something about my potential?”

She chuckled, but it was halfhearted. “Right. Are you working on anything at the moment?”

“Just finishing one up, actually.”

“Do you have any pictures?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” I reached in my pocket for my phone. I could feel her looking out into the room. “Sorry you got stuck with me.”

“It’s fine. Really. I just… He does this. I’m used to it. And we’re not even married yet.”

This was where I could place a wedge between them. Let her vent. Comfort her. Listen to her. Then make my move.

But at the moment, I wanted to show her my painting more.

I pulled the picture up and handed my phone to her. “It’s not finished.”

Her body softened. It was as if she had come to my bed. “Wow.” She zoomed in with her fingers. “God.”

I looked at her looking at it and I didn’t want to be anywhere else.