Page 9 of Forbidden

I closed the case, slid it to the back of the top shelf, and closed my locker. Leaning against it, I saw Shane walk past the cafeteria doorway and before I could talk some sense into myself, I went after him hoping he could help.

“Shane! Wait up,” I called out.

He turned towards me, his face a mixture of disgust and confusion.

“Is this how it’s going to be? Now that we’ve been thrown together like this, you think I’m going to talk to you? Or maybe you want to join the Shane club. I bet you still have your ‘V’ card. You know that’s the price of admission.” He eyed me up and down before he started talking again. “You’re not my usual type, so I’ll think of you as community service.”

“I...uhh...” I couldn’t get any words out. I didn’t expect him to act like such an ass. Why did he hate me? “Never mind,” I said.

As I spun on my heel to get away from him, I heard him mutter something before reaching out to grab my arm.

“What do you want?” he demanded.

As he glared at me, I wanted nothing more than to forget I ever had a crush on him. But even with the mixed feelings going on in my head, my body was responding to him touching my arm. Something had to be wrong with me to be attracted to this jerk.

“I said never mind. You obviously don’t want to help me and I don’t even know if I need help. I was confused and I saw you and thought maybe you could help me. I didn't realize you were such a fucking asshole,” I said.

“Why are you talking so much?”

“I don’t know why. You’re being an ass and I’m confused. Whenever I get nervous, I start babbling and I can’t stop. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t help it.”

Shane’s hands reached for my face and pulled me close. His lips pressed against mine and all my nervousness melted away. As his tongue moved hungrily into my mouth, his fingers wrapped around my hair, keeping me close.

He pulled away with a jerk and his intense green eyes bored into me.

His kiss left me breathless and dizzy. His lips moved, but I couldn’t hear the words, all I could do was wish his mouth was back against mine. Forcing my brain to take over made me realize how much of an effect Shane had on my body. And as I looked at the glint in his eyes, I knew he knew it too.

Keep it together, Rosalie. Don’t act like such a loser, it was just a kiss.

“What was that for?” I croaked.

“I had to shut you up somehow. Figured maybe if your panties were wet you wouldn’t be so nervous.”

“You’re such an ass. I liked you better when I didn’t know you.”

“Whatever. You came after me, remember? What do you want?”

“A friend of mine gave me something to hold and told me to not open it,” I said.

“So you opened it.”

“Of course I did, wouldn’t you?”

He rolled his eyes. “Go on, I don’t have all day. Who was this friend?”

“You probably don’t know him. He’s in my homeroom and his locker is right next to mine. He gave me his eyeglass case and said he’d get it from me later.”

“Jeez, Rosalie, I didn’t ask for the long version, just gimme a name.”

“Seth DeMarco.”

“Seth?” He paused before a disgusted look crossed his face. “Fat fuck with glasses?”

“Yeah, he’s overweight, but--“

“What, are you into him? Are you dating that needledick?”

“No, we’re barely friends, but he gave me—”