Page 33 of Forbidden

Chapter Ten


For months,our Saturday night routine was bringing dinner to the hotel and staying there until we thought we should head home. We didn’t always have sex, the hotel wasn’t really for that. We went to the hotel so we could be together without having to worry about what anyone else would think.

Neither of us knew what my dad and Joanna would say about our being together. Joanna didn’t seem to notice anything, but I had a feeling my dad was suspicious. Having to pretend Shane meant nothing to me while all I could think about was lying in his arms got harder as the months went by.

The hotel room was dark except for the glow from the television. Shane held me as we watched an old movie. Our legs were tangled together under the sheets and my head lay on his bare chest. I loved being naked with Shane, it felt so natural. I didn’t feel self-conscious or uncomfortable about my body. If anything, I felt beautiful.

I let out a long sigh as the movie ended. It was after midnight, and we would have to go back home, back to pretending.

“What was that for?” Shane asked.


“That sigh. Is something wrong?”

“No, everything’s great. I just hate having to leave here.”

“I know, I do too. I’d give anything to be your boyfriend seven days a week instead of just one night.”

I looked up at him and he leaned towards me, pushing me onto the pillow. His mouth closed over mine and I pressed my body closer to his. As our tongues met, I was reminded of the time and what the next day was. I pulled away and smiled softly at him.

“What’s wrong? There’s something else, isn’t there?”

“I have to go to my mother’s tomorrow. She called me the other day and said she was cleaning out the house and that if I didn’t get my stuff, she was tossing it. Most of the things she has are from when I was little and I don’t care about them. But she has my princess doll. I don’t want to go there, but I have to get that doll.”

“I can go with you,” he said.

“Really? You would?”

“Of course. You know I’d do anything for you.”

* * *

The next morning,I pulled my car up to the curb in front of my mother’s house. It had been over six months since I had last been there, but all the dread came back as if it was yesterday. Shane must have seen my hesitation because he put his hand over mine on the steering wheel and gently squeezed.

“I’m here,” he said. “Nothing bad will happen.”

We got out of the car and walked up the driveway to the house. It was quiet and there weren’t any cars in the driveway.

“I don’t think anyone’s home,” I said.

I rang the doorbell and when no one answered, I put my key in the lock and opened the door. Several boxes with my name on them were stacked near the entrance.

“Let’s just take them all,” I said. “I can go through them at home. I’ll leave my mom a note to let her know I was here.”

As Shane carried the boxes out to the car, my mother pulled into the driveway. I was still in the house writing a note when she came inside.

“Good, you found your things,” she said coldly. “I think that’s everything. I accidentally threw out some of your boxes, so this is all that’s left.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

I didn’t know how to act with her. She was always hot and cold with me, and I didn’t want to say something wrong and have to deal with her anger.

There was one box left. I wondered what happened to Shane, and then I realized my mother wasn’t alone. Ice ran through my veins as I looked outside and saw Jim talking to Shane. Even from inside the house, I could tell Jim was trying to intimidate Shane.

He kept stepping closer to him, closing the distance between them as he spoke. Jim’s hand was up and he poked Shane in the shoulder, then pointed back at the house. Shane’s eyes were narrowing and his fists clenched at his sides.