“How old are you now?” she asked.
“I’m eight.”
“You look like a bright boy, how’d you like to make some money and help your father out?”
Present Day
“I delivereddrugs to Abuela’s dealers. Her thinking was that I was a child, a juvenile, so they would be more lenient on me than an adult.”
“That’s terrible,” I said.
“It wasn't as bad as you think. My grandmother and I grew close and I understood why she did what she did. I'd do anything for her, and I proved that by never giving the cops her name.”
“So when you had Seth’s eyeglass case in school...”
“The cops ran my name and all my priors came up. They had no choice but to take me in and since I wouldn’t play ball with them and tell them how I got his case, they locked me up.”
“I’m so sorry,” I said. “All this time I was worried it was my fault, and it really is.”
“Nah, it’s just my shit life. I can’t get away from it. Abuela passed away a couple of years ago. That’s when Pop and I moved and I started going to your school. I could have told the cops what they wanted to know, but I didn’t want to disrespect her memory.”
He was quiet, and he gave me that look again where I thought he could see through my clothes. Only this time it didn’t bother me. This time I knew he was seeing something more.
“Right now,” he said. “Right here, tonight, this has been the best day of my fucked-up life. Being in bed with you like this has made all of that shit okay because I know it was bringing me to you.”
I was lost in his words. I knew he was being sincere, but part of me couldn't believe it. Why was the guy I stalked in the halls not that long ago saying all these amazing things to me? It was unreal. I couldn’t handle how serious he was.
“Is this how you got into all those girls’ pants?” I asked with a grin.
“That depends. Is it working?” He tilted his head to the side as he pushed my hair off my shoulder. “You don’t like being serious, do you? It makes you uncomfortable.”
“Maybe. Or maybe I’m just nervous because I think I know what’s about to happen.”
“Do you?”
His hand cupped my face and pulled me closer. His kiss was gentle at first, then more demanding. As his tongue slid near my tongue, I moaned softly.
“I like that,” he said. “Do it again.”
“I can’t. It just happened.”
“Then I’m going to make it happen again.”
“I don’t think you can.”
“I love a challenge,” he said.
He moved further down on the bed so we were lying next to each other. His lips kissed my neck before he pressed them against mine. He sucked on my bottom lip and bit it. I forced myself to not make a sound.
“Nothing? We’ll see about that,” he said with a crooked smile.
“What are you going to do?”
“I’m going to make you moan so loud the people in the next room will complain.”
I laughed as he pulled me against him until I felt his hard cock pressed against my thigh. The memory of him naked drifted through my mind. I pressed myself against him more, then slid my hand over him.
“You make me so fucking hard. Do you have any idea how hard it is to think with you in the next room? To hear the shower turn on and to imagine you naked?”