We awkwardly separated and went to bed after the kiss, I was far too flustered to do anything else. I wondered if he was just as shaken up as I was, I waited for him to bring it up, but he hasn't. So far, it's like it never happened and I wasn't sure how to feel about it. Should I be annoyed that he hasn't mentioned the kiss, or should I be relieved that he's saved me the embarrassment of reliving my reaction? Was he as bothered as I was or was this something normal for him? With a face and body like that, I wouldn't be surprised if he's done this before.

Even so, I want us to talk about it, even if it’s just a reminder that this thing between us was fake because without such a conversation the kiss was feeling very real to me. I probably shouldn't think like that, but I couldn't help it, maybe it was because I was fresh out of a relationship or because Rafael was sinfully attractive- whatever it was I needed to get over it.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the ringing of my phone until it broke through the haze. With a start, I picked it up, seeing my father's name flashing on the screen.

"Hello, Dad," I greeted, trying to sound composed despite the turmoil of emotions inside me.

"Yasmin, my darling, how are you?" His voice was warm and comforting, instantly putting me at ease.

"I'm fine, Dad. Just lost in thought," I admitted, not wanting to burden him with my struggles. If he had his way Amirah and I would never date and remain single all our lives. He'd prefer it that way, to him there was no one good enough for us. After my shitstorm relationship with Ethan, there might be some merit to what he said.

"It's one of those days then. Listen, I just landed a while ago. I'll be staying at the Azure Bay Hotel until my meetings are over," he informed me, his tone shifting slightly to a more businesslike manner.

My interest was piqued by the mention of the hotel. I was sure I heard the name before but that's all I could remember. "Oh? What brings you there?"

My father chuckled lightly. "Well, I'm here for business. I've got meetings with a potential partner to discuss opening a chain of hotels."

I was genuinely surprised. My father had never shown much interest in the hospitality industry before. Growing up in the Middle East there was only one thing that the men in my family showed interest in and that was oil. Over the years I've encouraged them to branch out, but they've stuck to their ways until now.

"When did this happen?"

"Well, I spoke to your mother, and she made a few points I couldn't ignore."

"She did?"

"Yes, she did. I know you've said this before, and I was too stubborn to do anything about it, but I think it’s time we take things to the next step."

"That's fantastic news, Dad! I didn't know you were considering branching out but I'm so glad you are."

"I would hope so," he murmured. "Because I want you to take control of it."

"I'm sorry, what?" For a moment, all I could do was stare at the wall. Did he say what I think he just said? He was about to open a chain of hotels and wanted me to take point and represent the family. Was this some form of joke? If it was, it wasn't funny.

"You heard me," he chuckled. "This was originally your idea so it's only fair that you get to see it through."

"But what about Khalid? Wouldn't he be in charge?"

"Your brother wants you to work on this. He wanted to be the one to tell you, but I couldn't resist. Also, we're considering another venture for your brother to oversee but we haven't set anything in motion yet."

"You guys have been busy," I whispered, still shell-shocked by what I was hearing, none of it seemed real.

"We have but you will get the final say and meet him at the gala. That is if you want to do this?"

"Of course, I want to," I spoke before I could even think it through. Although there wasn't much to think about. I was already considering resigning from my teaching gig which was only a temporary thing. I wasn't sure what I would do after but with this offer everything clicked into place. This was what I've wanted to do for a while now and my dream was about to come true.

"Then it's settled," Dad spoke, and I could almost envision him smiling at nothing. "I'll see you in two days, my darling."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Alright, Dad. I'll see you then."

After we exchanged goodbyes, I sat back in my chair, mulling over our conversation. My father's sudden interest in a new business was a welcome surprise. The gala would be a perfect opportunity to catch up with him and hear more about his plans, especially concerning his potential business partner.

He's never been one to be secretive about who he's partnering with so this was new, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I wouldn't be happy with who he chose.



As I walked through the door, the weight of the day lifted from my shoulders like a faded memory. The unfamiliar scent of home-cooked food greeted me, mingling with the soft notes of classical music that seemed to linger in the air. It’s been a long time since I've come home to the smell of food or to music.