"Because they were never married."


"What is it now?"

"The defendant and the plaintiff were married, and we have the marriage license to prove it."

"Is this true Mr. Williams?"

He smiled smugly and I exchanged a smirk with my dad. "Yes, it is, Your Honor."

"In that case, please bring forth this license so I can look at it."

The courtroom buzzed with anticipation as he confidently handed over the marriage license to the judge. She examined it closely, brows furrowing in concentration. After a few moments, she looked up with a grave expression. "Is this a joke?"

His eyes widened, startled. "You Honor?"

"Did you even check the license to make sure your client wasn't lying?"

"Well no..."

"Of course, you didn't," she interrupted. "If you did you would have noticed the name on the license is Yasmin Alarie and not Yasmin Rashid."

"That could be because she was hiding her identity," he recovered quickly I had to give him that but there was no way she would buy it. Not when she had the proof in her hands.

"Even if what you're saying is true, it doesn't matter. This is inadmissible."

"That's not fair!" Ethan yelled, rising to his feet. "She signed it, we got married!"

"Can you prove that? Do you have pictures or videos of her signing the license?"

"No," he mumbled, realizing that he just made an even bigger fool of himself.

"Mr. Williams please sit down and never make such an uproar in my courtroom again."

Ethan's gaze cut to me, the fury in his eyes clear. I rolled my eyes and turned to watch as Judge Carmichael gave Ethan's lawyer the opportunity to question Rafael. He announced he didn't have any questions and Rafael was free to return to his seat, smiling as he passed me.

"Mr. Williams, would you like to call a witness to the stand?"

Ethan exchanged a look with his lawyer who looked to be as tired as I felt. When neither of them commented she asked again. "Mr. Williams, the court allowed you two witnesses at arraignment. Where are they?"

His lawyer stood, unable to meet her eyes. "They're a no-show, Your Honor."

"Well," she ran a hand down her gown, utterly exasperated. "Do you have any evidence to present?"

His lawyer glanced at him but all he could do was shake his head. "That's also a no, Your Honor."

Judge Carmichael sighed. "In all my years I've never seen someone so unprepared for court. Given the circumstances I have no choice but to review the evidence provided by Yasmin and what little was provided by Ethan and decide whether Mr. Williams is guilty or innocent. "

"It's an easy win from here," my lawyer leaned in. "The evidence is overwhelming, and Judge Carmichael will see that."

"Due to the publicity attached to this case, I will advise everyone to remain seated until I return and there should be no updates on how the case is going or I'll hold whoever is responsible in contempt." She slowly rose from her seat, grabbing all the papers laid out before her, she gestured for us to remain seated as she exited the room.

I shot a quick look to Rafael and my family who gave me big thumbs up, I smiled in return feeling a win coming. I glanced at Ethan, expecting him to be hunched over and in distress but he remained calm as if expecting to win this case. The thought alone was ridiculous and for a brief moment, I wondered if he was mentally broken beyond repair.

Judge Carmichael returned thirty minutes later, and my lawyer and I rose. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Ethan and his lawyer did the same.

The courtroom fell silent as Judge Carmichael prepared to deliver the verdict. I could feel my heart pounding, each beat echoing like a drum. I glanced at Rafael, who gave me a reassuring smile. I took a deep breath, my eyes locking on Ethan, who looked pale and hopeful.