I shrugged, taking another sip of my whiskey. "It’s tough, sure. But Yasmin’s my world. Seeing her happy and confident makes it all worth it. And I know this trial is important for her which makes it important to me. Once it’s over, we can finally move on without that bastard hanging over our heads."

Khalid leaned back, his expression serious. "You’re a good man, Rafael. Yasmin’s lucky to have you."

I smiled. "Thanks, Khalid. But honestly, I’m the lucky one."

"I've got some interesting news," Roman changed the topic effortlessly.

Khalid, ever the skeptic, raised an eyebrow. "Interesting how?"

Roman took a measured sip before continuing. "I heard Cheryl and Ava helped the other shareholders buy out Ethan. They're about to appoint someone else as CEO, but it's all hush-hush until the trial's over."

The statement hung in the air, heavy with implications. Ethan had always been a thorn in our side, his reckless ambition matched his lack of foresight. The thought of him being ousted was almost too good to be true.

I leaned forward, my interest piqued. "So, they're finally getting rid of him?"

Roman nodded. "That's the word on the street. Cheryl and Ava must have had enough of his antics. They're smart; they know his downfall is inevitable, and they don't want to go down with him."

Khalid let out a low whistle. "That's quite a move. Do we know who they're considering for the new CEO?"

Roman shook his head. "No names yet. It's all being kept under wraps. They probably don't want to tip their hand until Ethan is out of the picture for good."

I took another sip of my drink, considering the possibilities. "It'll be interesting to see who they bring to take over. The company needs a steady hand to steer it out of the mess Ethan created."

Khalid nodded in agreement. "Whoever it is, they'll have their work cut out for them. The company's reputation has taken a hit thanks to Ethan's behavior."

Roman smirked. "True, but a fresh start might be exactly what they need. A new CEO could turn things around, especially if they distance themselves from Ethan's scandals."

The thought of Ethan being replaced brought a sense of satisfaction. He had caused Yasmin and our family so much pain, and the idea of him losing everything was a small but significant victory.

There was a comfortable silence between us, a rare moment where none of us felt the need to fill the air with words. We were all lost in our thoughts, I got another drink just before the silence was broken.

"So," Khalid began. "I need your advice on something."

I raised an eyebrow and took another sip. "Shoot."

Khalid hesitated, glancing at Roman, who gave him an encouraging nod. "How do I get everyone to stop thinking I'm dating Seraphina Sinclair?"

Roman let out a snicker, causing Khalid to glare at him. "What's so funny?"

Roman shrugged, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Nothing. It's just, I went through the same thing with Emily."

I turned to Khalid, genuinely confused. "Wait, hold up. Why does everyone think you're dating her?"

Khalid sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Because we've been seen together a lot lately. She’s great I guess, but that’s all there is to it. Everyone assumes there's something more."

Roman leaned forward, clearly enjoying this. "Dude, I know exactly what you're going through. Rafael, do you remember when everyone thought Emily and I were a thing? We were just friends, but no one believed it. Now, well... I'm thinking of proposing to her."

My eyes widened in surprise. "Seriously? That's fantastic news, Roman!"

Roman's grin broadened. "Thanks, man."

Khalid, on the other hand, sighed in defeat. "Congratulations, Roman. Really," he added, though his tone was begrudging.



The morning air outside the courthouse felt heavy with anticipation, the sun casting a golden hue over the steps as my family and I arrived. Rafael walked by my side, his hand reassuringly on my back, as we made our way through a sea of reporters and curious onlookers. Inside, the courtroom awaited- a solemn arena where justice would hopefully prevail against the man who had tried to destroy my life.