A heavy silence followed her plea. I could see the concern etched on everyone's faces. We were a team, a family, and the thought of Yasmin putting herself in danger was unbearable.

Finally, I nodded, squeezing her shoulder gently. "Alright, Yasmin. If this is what you need, we'll support you. But you're taking your bodyguards with you. No arguments."

She opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off. "No arguments, Yasmin. They'll be with you at all times."

She sighed, but a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Fine, but first there's something I need to do."



I sat in the small corner café, stirring my coffee absently as I waited. The aroma of freshly brewed beans filled the air, mingling with the chatter of patrons and the clinking of cups. My bodyguards, disguised as casual diners, were positioned two tables behind me, their eyes constantly scanning the room. It had taken considerable persuasion to convince everyone that I needed to meet Ethan face-to-face before we took any action but after they heard my plan, they were all for it.

They didn’t understand. They couldn’t fathom my need to look him in the eye as he tried to manipulate me. I needed to see his face when I dismantled his delusions. I also needed to confirm my growing suspicion that the photo-shopped images of my supposed infidelity were his doing.

The door chimed as Ethan walked in, and I straightened in my seat, my heart pounding. I had expected him to look disheveled, guilt-ridden. Instead, he was annoyingly pristine, his suit tailored to perfection, his hair neatly combed. He wore a smug smile as he approached, completely oblivious to the storm brewing around him.

“Yasmin,” he greeted, his voice warm and familiar. “It’s been a while.”

“Ethan,” I replied, my tone carefully measured. “It has, some would say it hasn't been long enough.”

He sat across from me, unperturbed by my words or the tension in the air. “You look great,” he spoke calmly as if we were old friends catching up over coffee. "I love the black hair."

I forced a smile. “Thank you. I do too.”

The small talk felt surreal, given the circumstances. Here was the man who tried to blackmail me, yet he acted as though nothing had happened. As he spoke about mundane things – work, mutual acquaintances, even the weather – I marveled at his audacity. How could he be so delusional? I let him live in his fantasy a little longer, nodding and responding where appropriate, all the while feeling a sense of power building within me. This was my moment. My moment to show him just who he was messing with. I'd let my family have their fun with him, but it would be after I did my damage.

“You know, Yasmin,” Ethan said, leaning in slightly. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us. About what we had.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Yes,” he continued, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. “I made mistakes, but I’ve never stopped caring about you. We could have something special again.”

I felt a flicker of disgust but kept my expression neutral. “Ethan, do you truly think that’s possible?”

His eyes brightened with hope. “Of course! All we need to do is put the past behind us. We can start fresh. Forget about everything – what my family said, what I did. None of it matters anymore.”

He reached across the table to take my hand, and I allowed it, watching his smile widen, filling with confidence. “Yasmin, I know I’ve hurt you, but I promise, I’ll make it right. We can be happy together.”

I leaned in closer, encouraging him, making him think that there was a chance I would agree and then I dug my nail into the dorsal side of his hand. He immediately winced in pain, and I tightened my grip so he couldn't pull away. “Ethan,” I said softly. “You’re living in a fantasy.”

His smile faltered. “What do you mean?”

“Did you think I’d ever forgive you? That I’d take you back after everything you’ve done?”

Confusion flickered in his eyes, quickly replaced by a hint of fear. “Yasmin, what are you talking about?”

I leaned forward, my voice a whisper of steel. “You tried to blackmail me, Ethan. With photoshopped pictures. Did you think I wouldn’t fight back?”

He tugged harder this time and I let him, releasing him from my grip. He reached for one of the napkins to wipe away the blood and I did the same. “We can put that behind us.”

"And what about the photos you photoshopped to make it look like I cheated on you?"

"We can move past that too."

"Move past it?" my voice raised unintentionally. "You hit me because of photos you doctored all because you needed me out of the way."

"Yasmin, come on. We can work this out."