I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to feel about meeting my ex-best friend’s wife on the street, but I was quickly getting used to it. “You’re Ethan’s wife, right? Yasmin?”

She stepped back, her grip on my phone tightening even more. “H-how do you know who I am?”

I couldn’t help the tiny smirk that graced my lips. “I know everyone important in the city.”

“Is that so?” she titled her head towards me, her earlier nervousness nowhere to be seen. “Are you flirting with me…”

“Amato, Rafael Amato, and not at all. I’m simply stating the obvious.”

She smiled slightly, then looked away. A chilling breeze swept by, enveloping us in its coldness. Yasmin, who was not dressed for a night out, was shivering. It was a subtle movement that likely could have gone unnoticed if I hadn’t paid such close attention to her.

“Here,” I shrugged off my coat and leaned forward so I could drape it over her shoulders. She stood perfectly still. A faint smile graced her lips as she watched me take a step back. “Why is a stunning woman like you doing here alone? Where’s your husband?”

“Ex-husband,” she corrected me before I could even think to say anything else. “Sorry,” she sighed, as she ran a hand through her hair. “This is a touchy subject for me.”

I glanced at the scenery in front of me, taking in the cars that drove by. “No need to apologize…” I snuck a peek at her again. “I’m guessing Ethan was the one at fault.”

“How’d you know?”

I shrugged, not giving anything away. “He’s a lying piece of shit who’s easily manipulated by his family.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “I almost forgot he was your best friend.”

I responded immediately. “And you’re his ex-wife after just months of marriage… I’m guessing he was a lying piece of shit to you as well.”

She looked everywhere but at me. I didn’t need her to tell me what he did. I already knew he did something wrong and based on the way she avoided looking at me, it was something big. Maybe he cheated on her or he accused her of cheating. I kept my eyes on her, analyzing each nervous shift of her feet and the way she nervously bit her lip whenever she glanced at me.

It was then that it clicked that we were standing outside my hotel in the cold. The warmth of the indoors beckoned me closer. Even so, I wasn’t ready to end this conversation, not when I decided we could be of mutual benefit to each other.

“How about some tea?”



This certainly was not how I expected to spend my anniversary—in the hotel suite of another man. There's no way I could have imagined Ethan treating me this way, not after I made it a point to stay away from his verbally abusive family. I guess it's true what people say: you never really know how someone feels about you until they have to choose between what they know and the narrative they're given.

I glanced at Rafael, who had just shut the door behind him and walked over to me. For the second time tonight, I couldn't help but admire his gorgeous face. His face was shaped by the gods, with wavy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes to match. It was a wonder some lucky girl hadn't snatched him up yet, but with a face and body like that, it was obvious why he was a bachelor. No man like him would ever want to be tied down to one woman, at least not while he's still young.

"Please make yourself at home," he gestured for me to follow him. My feet moved on their own as I admired the beauty of his home. It was the typical bachelor pad, but the view of the city made it special.

"You have a beautiful home," I spoke carelessly, beyond captivated by the city lights.

"Thank you," he spoke calmly. "I know I offered you tea but would coffee work instead?"

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Okay, give me a minute, and I'll be right back."

I didn't answer; there was no need to. While he was busy making the coffee, I continued to admire the city I'd grown to love in the last two years. Being raised in France made me appreciate the architecture and history of places I visit. I felt sadness as I thought about my sister and the last time I spoke with her. She wasn't happy about my marriage to Ethan; in fact, she warned me that my father wouldn't be happy about it. I ignored all her warnings and married him anyway. I thought it was for the best, that if I could prove he was with me just because he loved me, then it wouldn't matter, but I was wrong.

I knew I would eventually have to confess everything to my family and tell them everything that's happened, but I also wanted to hold out for as long as possible. I wasn't in a rush to face the truth, no matter if it was already slapping me in the face. All I wanted to do now was focus on getting revenge.

"Here we are," I slowly turned around to watch him bring in a coffee maker, two cups, spoons, and what I assumed was a packet of sugar and milk, all balanced on a tray.

I walked over to him, helping him to set the tray on the coffee table. I sat on the couch opposite him, eyes focused on everything he brought in. "What's all this?"

He shrugged. "I thought it best I let you watch me make your coffee."