Page 8 of All the Way

She tilted her head. “It’s normal for a child to want the opposite of the parents. Especially when there’s a lot of pressure to fall into line.”

He shook his head. “Mia Casa became a trap for me. All I could see was my family struggling all the time to keep it going. We weren’t poor, Miranda. We just didn’t have many things.

God knows, I wanted those things.”

“What happened when your parents found out you weren’t going to run the business?”

“First they threw a fit, but eventually they supported my decision. Pop told me I needed to find my own way to happiness.” He cleared his throat as if fighting emotion. “Also told me I’d realize the important things and eventually come home.”

She fiddled with the edge of the napkin. “So, when you got the European contract you felt like you’d achieved your dream.”

“Yes. At first I was happy, or so I told myself.

Time blurred and I never questioned my decision.

Until Pop called and said Mia Casa was in trouble. I left immediately and decided to stay until I get the restaurant afloat.”

“How long?”

He shifted his feet. “I took a three month leave of absence. I have two months left.”

She nodded. “Will that be enough time?”

“I hope so. I’ve used endless connections, advertised, and the new lounge opens up this week.

It has all the ingredients for success.”

“Seems like once those loose ties are knotted, you’ll be on your merry way again.” Her temper burned. Why should this be easy for him? Did he really think he could stroll into her workplace, make her lunch, and waltz her into bed? Had she been so easy before? “That’s the original plan.”

He rocked back on his heels. “But I’m open to a new one.”

She snorted. “Maybe it’s time you realize people don’t always fall in line with your big bad plans.

Especially if they’re temporary.”

Before he could defend himself, she waved a hand in dismissal.

“Whatever. I’m happy for you. Happy you got what you always wanted.”

His voice grew gritty with regret. “Yes. But I had to give you up to do it.” He leaned forward. “So I really lost.”

Startled, her gaze flew to his, and her fingers clenched.


The connection burned with a fierceness that shook her body. She could handle a flicker of old feelings from the past. It was the new emotions that sprung to life that were causing the trouble. The swirling mixture of familiarity and wanting and completeness when their eyes locked. Three years ago, the physical attraction between them dominated the relationship. Now, a strange longing to know this new man reared up.

He was different. Oh, he owned the same arrogance and confidence possessed three years ago, but now there was an inner knowing reflected in his face. He was actually more powerful, because he knew who he was, and he knew what he wanted.

Miranda realized she was in real danger.

She pushed away her plate.

“Thank you for lunch,” she said politely. “I really have a lot of work to do, so I’d appreciate it if you leave now.”

He studied her in silence.

The busy sounds of the newsroom swarmed around them. “Miranda, have dinner with me Saturday night.”



She let out an exasperated breath.

“Because I said I can’t.”

“Are you afraid of me?”

Miranda rolled her eyes.

“Of course not. If you must know, I’m babysitting for Andy Saturday night.”

“I’ll help you.”

A laugh escaped her lips.

“No, Andy won’t like that idea.”

“Why not?”

“He doesn’t like you.”

That stopped him for a moment.

“I’ll have to change his mind then, won’t I?”

Irritation nipped. “No. I’m not one of your clients or your customers, and I won’t be bullied. Neither will Andy. I will not go out with you Saturday night or any night after that. Do you understand?”

A smile ghosted his lips.

“I understand.” He stood and collected the tray. “I’ll be in touch, Red.”

His disappearance rubbed her raw. Seemed like he had no problem walking away from anything of value in his life, and she wasn’t about to stick around for a stroll down memory lane. There was only a world of hurt waiting for her. She was probably some sick type of challenge.

Gain her forgiveness, earn her trust, pat her on the head, and strut back to his perfect life. He seemed to think he had a big S curved onto his chest, but like Superman, he only swept in to save the day and flew away for the next crisis.

Superman had no frickin’ staying power.


A weird pressure vibrated around her and she turned her head to find three of her co-workers staring at her.


she asked, throwing up her hands.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

The copy-editor shrugged. “Why don’t you give the guy a chance? Seems cool.”

Everyone murmured in agreement.

Miranda groaned and laid her head on the desk in defeat.

Chapter Four

Miranda watched in amusement as Elaine and Andy rushed around the house in a desperate attempt to get out the door. The three-bedroom townhouse was cozy but trendy, decorated in earthy Tuscan tones. The thick cream carpet was currently littered with Legos and a variety of toys, DVDs, and a big Elmo doll. The removal of the expensive glass coffee table clearly showed child-proofing was needed because of their son’s ability to get into trouble.

She caught a whiff of Chanel perfume as Elaine whizzed by. “He should go down early tonight, so there’s a bottle in the fridge. We’re trying to wean him, but he loves it at night.”

“Ba ba!”

Stephen screamed in delight.

Miranda tickled him under the arms and he squirmed and laughed.

“Yes, no drawing on the walls tonight, buddy. I got in big trouble for that one.”

Elaine clucked her tongue. “That wasn’t your fault, sweetie. We should have hidden the markers.”

“Not what your husband said. I ended up buying him lunch for a week just to shut him up.”

Andy shot her a look at the feminine glare thrown his way.

“Nice work, buddy.”

The bell rang. “I’ll get it.

Better hurry up or you’ll never get out of here on time.” She flung open the door. “And for God’s sakes Andy, show your woman a little romance tonight.”


Miranda stared at the man in front of her. Faded, worn jeans rode low on his hips. A casual blue shirt unbuttoned at the neck and gave her a tantalizing glimpse of olive-toned skin.

She wondered if the expression on his face could actually be termed sheepish or if it was just her imagination.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered. One glance back confirmed Andy and Elaine hugging their son good-bye. “I told you I couldn’t see you tonight, and do you listen? No, of course not. The mighty Gavin Luciano always does what he wants no matter the consequences. You are in so much trouble. Andy’s going to have a fit once he finds you here, and I’m going to enjoy every single minute.”

“Hey, Gavin, how are you doing?” Andy reached past her to shake his hand.

“I don’t know how late we’ll be. We want to catch supper after the play.”

“Take your time. We’ll have everything under control.”

Miranda let out an outraged squeak, but no words emerged.

She studied the two men in front of her and wondered if she’d gone insane.

“Andy, what is he doing here?”

Her friend shifted his feet. “Uh, well, he came to see me at The Herald and we got to talking. He told me you couldn’t go to dinner since you had to babysit, so I thought you’d like company.”

A scream bubbled at the back of her throat. “He conned you, didn’t he? God, my own friend becomes my betrayer.

Whatever happened to think like a man? Hit him where he hurts the most? Take your revenge for all womankind?”

Andy shrugged. “That was before I knew him.”

“Come on, Red, don’t be so dramatic. You’ll get little Stephen worried.” Gavin walked past her toward the toddler and introduced himself to Elaine. Miranda glared at Andy and tapped her foot.

He threw up his hands.

“Fine, I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“E tu, Brute?”

Elaine marched up behind them. A worried frown darkened her face.

“Miranda, isn’t that the guy who dumped you three years ago?”

“Talk to your husband.

Seems he made a new buddy and invited him over.”

Accusation gleamed from his wife’s eyes. “Is she right? Why would you do something like that? Invite the vampire into our own house?”

Miranda squashed a giggle. Seems Elaine and her both had a deep love for sexy vampire romances.

Andy groaned. “Can’t you give him a second chance? Sometimes men need to be understood.

Sometimes we screw up and deserve an opportunity to make amends.”

“Men always stick together,” Elaine grumbled.

“Look, if you want me to throw him out, just say the word.

It will be my pleasure.”

Miranda shook her head.

“Forget it, I can handle him. Have a good time, and don’t worry.”

Andy raced out the door, obviously relieved to have escaped his wife’s wrath for the moment.

Elaine rolled her eyes.

“Okay, if you’re sure. My husband and I need to have a chat. Dr. Phil doesn’t seem to be working out.”

Miranda laughed and shut the door behind them.

Gavin sprawled out on the floor with a pile of blocks, seemingly absorbed in the task of creating a high-rise building. Stephen was just as intent in his desire to destroy it.

Miranda dropped on the couch and watched them.

“How’d you get Andy on your side?”

Massive shoulders lifted.

“He’s on both of our sides.

He knows where I’m coming from. So, you really felt like I put a spell on you, huh?”

Color flooded her cheeks. “I can’t believe he told you that,”

she muttered. “And they say women gossip.”

“You didn’t answer the question.”

“I plead the Fifth.

Anyway, that was a long time ago.”

He placed a bright red block on the floor and swung his head around.

When he spoke, his voice dropped to a sexy growl.

“That’s exactly how you made me feel, Red. I used to catch your scent when you walked past me, and it made me drunker than a bottle of age-old whiskey. I used to watch your mouth when you talked, and remember that catchy little moan you made when I pleasure you.”

Heat ripped through her.

Her belly clenched and her nipples tightened to achy points. “Don’t. We have an audience.”

He glanced down.

Stephen seemed enchanted with the bucket and bored with their conversation. “Oh. What I meant was, you know we were great, umm, great… playmates.” His face lit up at his supposedly brilliant Mission Impossible encoding techniques.