The girls.
Parker is spending more time with the other girls and the green monster of jealousy roars in my ears every time I see him smiling at someone that’s not me or Dominique. His friendship with Sean? No big deal. But when shy little Fiona or confident Stella or even artistic little Miya gets too close to him? I go all moody and have to leave the room.
As I pass through the kitchen, I see him sitting outside on the deck with Ana, and I lose it. My throat feels tight, my eyes ache, and I close them, trying to calm down.
I don’t know what’s making me feel like this! He’s his own person. We aren’t a unit. I’m thrilled he gets this chance to find someone… in theory.
In reality, I’m a mess.
A jealous mess. Which is even worse.
I’ve attached myself to him like one of those barnacles Ronan was telling us all about the other day when Stella asked him about growing up in Ektos and being a fisherman.
I’m the thing he has to scrub off to move faster. The being he needs to shed to make headway.
I lose the battle with myself, and a tear slips down the side of my face. I immediately turn back down the hall and run toward my bunk, anxious to hide my distress before someone sees it.
As I bury my head in my pillow to drown out my emotional sobs, I realize what’s wrong. What’s really wrong.
I don’t just love Parker, my best friend. I love Parker, the man.
And I can’t have him.
The next day I wake up determined to do better. To ignore the fact that I’m in love with my best friend. My best friend, who happens to be one of the only guys that is off limits to me here.
Just be normal. Just be happy-go-lucky Imani and goofy Parker.
No more emotional outbursts from me.
I swing down off my bunk, careful to not wake Dominique on the bunk below mine, and tiptoe out of the room. Parker’s bed is empty, so he’s already up, and I brace myself to follow through on my promise to myself today.
As I round the corner into the kitchen, Quinn and Ana are sitting on one of the couches, reading their books like most mornings. Nestled into the corner of the other couch, Parker drinks coffee and looks out the window.
I give a little, “Hello, good morning” and wave as I pass by to grab some breakfast. Parker stands up and catches up to me in a few strides, laying his arm across my shoulders.
“Don’t worry about breakfast—I already made pancakes. Let me go heat some up for you,” he offers, handing me a second mug of coffee with his free hand as we pass by the counter.
“You know, pancakes are my favorite,” I muse, taking a sip and watching him move about the kitchen.
“I know.” He smiles, then plants a kiss to my forehead as he passes by me.
I stand, rooted in place.
Forehead kisses don’t mean anything. He’s just being sweet.
My heart thunders in my chest, and I feel my face heat. “Lucky me,” I murmur as I try to get my heart rate under control.
It’s just the caffeine. I’m not reacting to a brief peck of a kiss. This is silly.
“No, lucky me,” he insists. “I love them too, and I needed a good excuse to indulge myself. Spoiling you is a win-win.” He winks.
I feel a warmth in the depths of my belly that spreads through me like a wave.
He wants to spoil me. Now I’m screwed.
Chapter 12
6 months After The Choosing