“I know. I know. I know,” he chants, closing his eyes and acting as if he’s being tested by our conversation. He and Imani are trying my patience. Both have been so melodramatic since we’ve arrived.

“You know what? Do whatever you want. I’ll just be here, being a rational human being.”


I’m sitting on the couch when suddenly Imani plops herself down next to me, nearly bouncing her chest right out of her tiny little dress on the rebound since this couch is so springy.

“Hi there,” I say, surprised by her sudden arrival. “What’s up?”

She rights herself, scooching closer to me on the massive cushion and leaning forward like she’s about to tell me a secret. “What are you up to?”

“Do I look like I’m up to something?” I ask, bewildered.

“No, I suppose not. I guess I’m just trying to start a conversation. Sorry. That was awkward.” She giggles and slides closer again.

“No worries…”

“So, what were you doing earlier? I couldn’t find you anywhere,” she breathes, looking at me as if I have committed the most silly of blunders, evading her on purpose.

“Just hit the gym, needed to work off some steam,” I hazard, getting really weird vibes.

Why do I feel like I’m being accused of cheating or something?

“Oh, okay. Well, I was hoping to steal some time with you for a chat, get to know you a bit better and all that.” She leans her chin on her fist, using her arm to shove her small breasts together and create some cleavage. Then looks at me with those big doe eyes, trying to play it off like she’s not obviously peacocking for me.

“Well. That’s friendly of you,” I say hesitantly, trying to shift my body backward without her noticing.

She notices.

“Well, I wasn’t really going for friendly,” she pouts, sitting back and looking upset.

Aw, hell. This is going to be awkward.

“Look, Imani. I think it’s sweet that you want to get to know me, and I’m happy to do so. As friends. But.” I pause, trying to think of the best way to put this so I don’t sound like an utter ass hat. “You’re just not my type. You’re too happy for me. And I wouldn’t want to lead you on or waste your time.”

There—direct and polite. Right?

“I’m too happy for you? You wouldn’t want to lead me on?” She rises to her feet, looking miffed. “A little too late for that, isn’t it?!” she exclaims as she backs away, then turns to run down the hall and away from me.

I call after her, “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression?!”

Chapter 7

1 Month After the Choosing


Imani has been so upset the last few weeks, and I want to throw Reid through a window. She apparently got pretty flirty with him, tried to get out of her comfort zone and got completely stonewalled. It’s made the house atmosphere pretty chilly, to say the least.

Dominique and I, of course, are in protective mode, trying to insulate Imani from Reid. But when you live in one big house, sleep in the same room and can never truly leave each other’s presence, it just doesn’t work very well.

The big upside? I get Imani pretty much all to myself without having to really angle for it. She mainly wants to hang out in our room—avoiding Reid—and I’m all too happy to oblige.

The twins and I head to the kitchen to grab some food, careful to avoid the usual mealtimes to decrease the chance of a run-in. And low and behold, what do we find?

Sean has got Ana pressed up against a counter and looking pretty cozy.

Atta boy!