
After running into Parker in the kitchen, I can’t find Reid anywhere inside. Giving up, I head out to the pool since a few of the other housemates had mentioned taking a dip today, and I like the idea of calming my nerves by soaking my feet in the cool water.

As I arrive, Ronan looks as if he is just leaving, not thrilled by having company in his usual refuge from the rest of us. He’s basically claimed the pool and is out here twice a day, just swimming laps by himself. Kind of odd.

I sit down on the edge and swing my feet into the water, and Stella, the girl from Primus, gives me a little wave of welcome. Leaning in, I whisper, “I heard Ektos was so desperate to bolster their birth rate that they petitioned to send two female Chosen this year, instead of one male and one female…” a little nervous to be caught gossiping.

“Can you imagine?!” Stella whispers back, looking around to ensure Ronan’s a safe distance away and won’t overhear us.

“It’s not a joke. Miya said Ektos had to recall Ronan back from Derde, just so they could send him here again when the petition was denied,” Enzo says seriously, judgment in his eyes.

Stella and I gasp at the revelation, but I’m confused. “They sent him here before? But how does that work? They can’t possibly have made him leave his partner, and, I imagine, a child?” My eyes tear at the thought. How incredibly horrible. The government can’t be that cruel. Can they?

Enzo rubs his hands down his face, obviously frustrated that he let this bit of contentious information slip. “Look, I know this isn’t his first time being here. That’s all I’ll say. The rest of his story is his own to tell people or not.” Enzo pushes up on the wall and lifts himself out of the pool, but before he goes, he turns back and says in a low voice, “Don’t spread that around, and don’t push him alright? He’s been through enough without me mucking this up even more for him. And don’t go poking Miya for more info either, alright?”

Stella and I look at each other and then back at Enzo.

“We won’t!” We both say in perfect harmony.

After Enzo leaves, it’s just Stella and me, and I find myself uncomfortable in her presence. I’m not a big girl’s girl; my sister is my only girl friend. Stella’s older than me, and she just seems so confident. It’s a bit weird too, given that we are all getting to know the same guys here, and she’s kind of my competition.

“So, do you have your eye on anyone?” she asks, smiling and giving me a pointed look.

“I mean, I think so? I don’t know. It’s hard to tell at this point,” I say, shy about my crush and not ready to spill to someone I don’t know just yet. What if she likes Reid too?

“Mhmm. Seven guys all vying for you can get overwhelming, I suppose.” She floats on her back, her curvy body on display in her swimsuit, making me feel like a stick figure.

“Totally. Just a lot to take in.”

“Don’t worry about it too much. Eventually someone has to make a move—it’s just down to who sets it all in motion,” she muses.

I think about that for a moment. Maybe I just need to set things in motion. Stop waiting around. Fake it ’til I make it and all that jazz.


The last few days have been a bit of a blur. Getting settled, scoping out the other housemates, trying to temper Imani’s baby rabies…

She’s burst into our room in a state, convinced that one look from a guy means they are destined to be together forever and have six children.

“Dominique, Parks, you don’t get it! He said I ‘piqued his interest!’ That’s gotta be a really good sign!” she gushes to Parker and me for what feels like the fourth time today.

“Yes, yes, he said you piqued his interest. Call the press, bake the cake, there’s a wedding afoot!” Parker mumbles, rolling his eyes in my direction.

“Imani, interest is interest. Lust wanes. Let’s see how he feels in a few months, alright? You might not even like him when you get to know him!” I press, trying to stress the ridiculousness of pairing up too soon with a complete stranger.

“I knowww,” she whines. “But maybe it’s fate? Maybe it’s love at first sight? Maybe he’s ROMANTIC!” she cries, working herself up over the idea of Reid. Her one true soulmate.

“Maybe. And maybe it’s not, and he just liked the look of your ass,” I argue, throwing my hands up in frustration. “You have to at least try to get to know everyone before closing yourself off and putting all your eggs in one basket.”

“I talked to Enzo earlier, and I know Parker and Sean already! That’s three other guys. I’m not all in one basket!” she argues.

“Parker doesn’t count!” I protest.

“Sorry, Parks.” I shoot him an apologetic look.

“Oh, don’t worry about me. I’m one with the furniture, barely considered a human male at all,” he jokes, flopping down on the couch dramatically. It creaks under his weight, and he sighs loudly, throwing his hand in the air and looking down at it as if to say, ‘I’m not even that big!’

“Oh, Parker! You know what I mean!”