“Reid Derde, likewise.” I gesture for them to follow me into the house, and then show them to their room. After which, I leave them to their own devices and head for the kitchen to scrounge up some food.

Shortly after I head down the hall, I hear more people arrive and decide to wait them all out before making a meal for one and looking like a jackass.

A new heavily tattooed male Chosen from Femte swaggers in like he’s lived here all his life and plops down on the couch between where Miya and I are sitting quietly in companionable silence. He immediately starts into a wild story that has us both hooked and engaged. Before long, I realize he is the extrovert to our introvert and might just be alright.

Ana joins us fairly quickly and makes dinner for everyone, so I make myself comfortable and let Enzo, the new guy, regale us with more tales from his life as a tattoo artist back home.

Ana sets the table and dishes out plates, and we all move to join her. Enzo gives her a massive grin and drawls, “Wow, you made dinner for everyone, love? What a gem!”

She flushes and mumbles something modest before sitting down to eat.

Enzo won’t let her off easily though and insists on making her blush some more. “Well, you’re a peach, thank you! Enzo, by the way. Pleasure to meet you!”

When the other Chosen wander back to the kitchen from the depths of the house a while later, Ana takes it upon herself to introduce everyone, and I decide to retreat before I’m well and truly overstimulated.

Chapter 4

4 Days After The Choosing


The journey from Kedua with Dominique and Imani is full of our usual banter and bullshit. They give me shit; I give them shit. Dominique jumps down my throat if she thinks I’m too rough with Imani—which is laughable since Imani and I are like a hive mind, finishing each other’s sentences and laughing before we can even get our full sentence out.

Sean is a bit more reserved but tries to join in where he can, and I can tell he’s awkward around girls in general. Just a timid dude.

“Hey, Parker! Do you wanna jog up ahead with me for a bit?” he calls out as we pack up camp and get ready to head out for another day on the road.

“Yeah, sure. I could use some guy time after being kept up all night by these two arguing.” I wink at the twins and laugh as they scoff at me, strolling over to him with my pack and the dismantled tents.

We set a rapid pace to get ahead of the girls and don’t speak until we are out of earshot and have slowed to a walk.

“So, what’s on your mind?” I ask, raising a brow at him, catching onto his bid for a private conversation without the girls.

It tumbles out of his mouth in a rush. “This is so embarrassing, but could you give me some tips to help me with the ladies?”

“Tips to help with the ladies?” I confirm, chuckling under my breath. I stick my hands in my pockets and look to the sky, giving it some thought. “Honestly?”

“Yes, do you think I would embarrass the hell out of myself if I didn’t mean it?!” he splutters, his flush now creeping down his neck toward his chest.

“You’re a fit guy—what makes you think you need help to attract someone?” I ask, pointedly gesturing at him with my hand.

He rolls his eyes, looking discouraged. “I don’t want to just attract a girl, Parker. I want to woo her.”

Wow. Okay then.

“That’s actually really sweet, Sean. And what makes you think I can help you with that?”

“Um, have you seen yourself and the twins? You’re obviously close with them, and therefore, probably know a hell of a lot more about how women’s minds work than I do.” He rakes a hand through his hair, grunting in disgust when his hand gets caught in his half up bun and he has to fix it.

I amble alongside him, thinking for a moment.

“I’ll give you that. I know about these two. Take this with a grain of salt because I can’t claim to be an expert.” He nods along. “If you want a girl to notice you, don’t worry so much about getting them to notice you. They can sense vulnerability from a mile away, and you don’t want to come across as desperate. Be confident and try to do the things that you’d normally do. Just leave openings for them to approach you and ask about it.”

He thinks about that. “You know I basically work out for a living right now, right? What girl is going to be interested in that?”

“Trust me, some of them will be quite interested in that. Particularly if they get to watch you do it.” I wiggle my eyebrows, so he gets the hint. “Physicality is generally attractive, as long as you don’t go all caveman about it.” I laugh and clap him on the shoulder as he blushes.

Chapter 5