I’m actually ok with it, because if it had to be one of us, at least it can be both of us this year, and I get to support my sister through the Mating Grounds. It would have gutted me to send her away on her own, or vice versa, and be separated for a year. And this way, I can make sure she doesn’t get stuck with a guy that doesn’t treat her right. Imani is such a sweet soul, but she’s as naive as they come, and even with the group of eligible guys in our zone, it’s like she has been completely blind to all their passes over the last few years.

Even after our genetic and fertility screenings when we came of age, it didn’t seem like this was all real for her. Not until now. Me, on the other hand? That appointment really made it loud and clear that we need to make babies. Lots of babies. I am never allowed to forget it.

The males are all lined up, and the governor is fidgeting with her hair while getting ready for her speech. This may be the least exciting Choosing yet since it’s just the boys this year in for a surprise. Granted, two boys, which is fun, I suppose. As my eyes skate down the row of them, I realize they are all looking pretty anxious. I can’t tell if it’s excited anxious or nervous anxious.

Though, thinking about it, since Imani and I have shown little interest in any of them, this is probably their best shot at finding a partner in the near future. What a thought…


The governor steps up, clears her throat and Dominique immediately grabs my hand. She’s such an anchor for me. Bless her.

“Welcome Kedua Zone! Today we have a very special Choosing. We will send four of our young citizens off to find their pairings this year, and I, for one, couldn’t be more proud! We have such a lovely group gathered here before me, and I can’t wait to have four of you represent us in the Cria Zone.

Since we are sending two females this year, and we only have two eligible female citizens, it is my pleasure to formally announce Dominique and Imani Kedua as our female Chosen. We will welcome each of your new family members as one of our own.”

I smile at the crowd gathered since it feels like the appropriate response, giving Dominique’s hand a squeeze. She looks over, not quite matching my smile, but squeezes my hand back, reminding me we are a team.

“For our two male Chosen…”

She’s handed the envelope and peels it open.

“Sean Kedua, congratulations! Your new family will be delighted to gain such a valuable new member.”

A really built redhead that plays for Caral’s handball team gives a jolt and walks forward to stand next to Dominique. I give him a hesitant smile. One more for team Kedua.

“Parker Kedua, congratulations. Your new family will be delighted to gain such a valuable new member.”

This time it’s my turn to lurch a bit. Parker’s my best friend in the world, and this means I’m going to lose him to another zone once he’s paired. But it also means that we get to spend the next year at the Mating Grounds together, so I guess it’s not an immediate goodbye? I know he’s going to be wrecked by this since he’s so close with his family, so I flash him my best and brightest smile as he walks toward the rest of us Chosen, wrap him in a big hug and grab his hand with my free one. Now we four really look like a little team.

Parker’s hand is trembling a bit in mine as we wait for the last of the formalities to wrap up. I was right, he is nervous about leaving his family! I make a mental note to have a chat with him once the shock has worn off; maybe I can help him calm down and even get excited about our new adventure.


I wake up to someone pounding on my door.

Fuck. What time is it?

I glance over to the clock on my bedside table and nearly jump out of my skin. It’s 11:45. The Choosing is in fifteen minutes.

“Thanks!” I yell to whatever kind soul had the foresight to do one last round of wake-up calls in the dorms before heading out themselves, as I stumble off my bed and sniff my discarded clothes from the night before, attempting to determine if they are still wearable. They mostly pass the sniff test. Outfit repeater, I am. Fussy, I am not. Good thing I only wear black—makes this easier to pull off.

I stuff my arms back through the sleeves of a ratty old tee shirt and yank my jeans out from under my chair, quickly throwing those on as well. Jacket, jacket, where’s my jacket? I spin around, eyeing the small room with distaste. I really should be a bit more tidy. Finally, I see my leather jacket draped over the corner of my dresser. Did I throw it over there last night? Gods, I must have been really drunk.

As I trip down the steps and outside, I run my fingers through my shoulder-length blond hair, which I’m sure is obviously bedhead at the moment, trying for passably well-kept instead of just-rolled-out-of-bed vibes.

I jog toward the center of Taxilla, trying to avoid looking like a loser and full out running, but also trying to avoid being late to my own Choosing ceremony. I’d never hear the end of it. I stop short of the crowd and wind my way through, catching my mother’s look of disapproval on my way to the spot set aside for the eligible citizens. How does she always manage to catch me in my worst moments? That woman has an uncanny ability to make me feel like a piece of shit.

“Welcome, Derde Zone!” the governor booms. “I promise to keep this short and sweet since I know we all just want to get to the fun stuff!” She gives a little shimmy and winks at the crowd.

She fucking winked. Mom is going to have a field day with that. Here I was thinking I was the problem child, but Adrienne just one upped me during her first Choosing ceremony as governor. She must’ve caught my late arrival.

What a gem.

“The Derde Chosen for this year’s Mating Grounds are as follows. Our female Chosen is—Miya Derde. Congratulations, and we will welcome your new family member as one of our own.” The quiet orphan girl from the dorm steps forward to join my sister on the podium.

“And for the male Chosen”—Adrienne looks like the wind just got knocked out of her—“Reid Derde. We will miss you, but your new family will be delighted to gain such a valuable new member.” She makes eye contact with me, trying to keep her face neutral in front of the entire zone population that has gathered, but I can tell that was a punch to the gut for her. I give her my best casual shrug and head up to the podium as she finishes up the ceremony in record time.

Once the mic is turned off and people disperse, I lean over and whisper, “It’s alright. Just think, no more awkward family dinner conversations for you to mediate!” trying to get her to laugh. She huffs and buries her head against my chest. I rest my chin on her hair and swing my arms around her in a loose hug.