
I think Reid has gotten the hint.

Ever since our moment in the shower, he’s been making more of an effort to really get to know me. Pulling me into conversations if I pass by, finding reasons to do things just the two of us, and singling me out with a look in a packed room if something happens that he thinks I might find funny.

We are establishing our own little inside jokes and routines, and I can feel my walls coming down around him. I don’t know why, but I still feel this block between us though. It is as if I can’t fully relax around him because I’ve still got one foot out of this relationship we’re building.

I can’t fully focus on us when my sister’s fate is still so murky and undecided. I still haven’t seen her truly connect with anyone new, and I’m worried about her.

The house is in full party mode after Leo conjured up some homemade booze from somewhere. Spirits are high and everyone is in a good mood and enjoying themselves.

After a few hours spent trying to ride the wave of the house vibe, I give up, snapping at Reid when he asks me an innocent question and decide that I’m too moody to be good company right now. As I stand to leave, Parker, Imani, Sean and Ana stand too, and say their goodnights.

I can tell Reid wants to hash this out, but I just don’t have the energy for it tonight.

“Can we talk in the morning? I’m just in a weird mental space right now,” I say as I put our dishes in the sink and turn back to him.

“Of course, no worries. Sleep well, Dom,” he replies, heading to his room as I wait for the others to catch up with me. I feel his gaze as he leaves, and my stomach does a little nervous flip.

Shit. I hope I didn’t just fuck things up.


After a heavy night of drinking Leo’s home-brewed booze with the housemates and some intense drunk cuddling with Imani while sitting together on the couch, the twins, Sean, Ana and I head back to our rooms to get ready for bed.

On the way there, Sean lags behind a bit, talking to Ana and Dominique. Dominique loses interest and then tries to catch up with Imani and me, but we, in a burst of liquor-induced courage, run into the Kedua room and lock the door, collapsing against the other side in a fit of laughter. Dominique isn't amused and repeatedly raps on the door, demanding that we open up so she can grab her nighttime routine stuff.

Ana talks her into calming down, telling Dominique she is welcome to borrow some of her things for tonight. Dominique grumbles but walks away after a minute or two of complaining. Once the coast is clear, Imani and I wind down our manic laughter, and it becomes soft wheezing as we try to catch our breath. As our chests rise and fall simultaneously, we lock eyes, and, already tangled together on the floor, something clicks.

The alcohol numbs my fear, and I hoist her up into my arms, her legs curling around my waist, her arms slung around my neck, chest to chest as I stand. Slowly, I move toward our desk and sit her on top of it. It squeaks in protest, but we ignore the sound, breathing each other’s air and staring. Imani’s skirt is hiked up around her waist from being carried and my sweatpants are sitting dangerously low on my hips. The slightest of barriers between us.

I could take her. Right here, right now. So easily.

I groan at the thought, gazing at where our bodies touch before looking back at her and leaning in. Not quite initiating a kiss, I still leave room for her to run away.

After what feels like an eternity, she leans in as well, and I devour her mouth. Nibbling her lower lip until she opens for me and lets me in, and I can finally fuck her mouth with my tongue. She gasps, and I huff out a strangled, “Finally.”

Imani pulls away slowly and quietly replies, “Are you sure?”

I step back quickly, as though I’ve been burned. Hurt surely broadcast across my face.

She grabs my shoulders and quickly corrects. “I didn’t mean it like that, Parker. I meant that this will not be allowed. Are you sure this is worth the pain of having to choose other partners later? I don’t know if I can live through losing you as a friend… and a lover all at once.”

I step back in close. “Imani, you won’t be losing me. I have absolutely no intention of letting you fade into the distance with some other guy after all these years. I should’ve made a move back home in Kedua, but I’m making my intentions clear now. This is what I want. We are what I want. To hell with the rest. I will find a way to be with you forever.”

Imani gets all misty and pulls me in for a massive bear hug. I stroke her back and rest my chin on her head, trying to calm my racing thoughts and come up with a plan to do just that.


As I sit on the Derde room couch, I hear the commotion next door when Imani and Parker lock Dominique out. Dominique sounds pissy for a moment or two, but then her footsteps retreat down the hall after Ana says something to her in hushed tones.

I do my best to become one with the couch and sulk in private. Disappointed in my utter lack of romantic, sweep-her-off-her-feet plans. As I contemplate solutions, I notice Parker and Imani's laughter dwindling as the desk against our shared wall squeaks in protest, as though someone has placed something heavy on it.


Almost immediately, I hear what sounds like heavy breathing and a quiet, wet sound.

Holy shit, they’re fucking?!