She’d whimper, but it would be a whimper of delight. A whimper of consent. He wouldn’t go slow or easy. He’d claim her viscously, but she’d like that too. She’d like it as he worked her tight hole over his massive erection. She’d be so full. So. Fucking. Full.

Seren exploded on the toy. She threw one hand back to brace herself as she shattered. Had Rome lied about the camera having sound? She realized she was chanting his name under her breath.

Her muscles quaked, her body a fault zone. She’d never come like that in her life.

Her eyes flew open at a slow clap from behind her.

She tore the toy out of herself and cranked her head around, ready to declare war on the invader, but it was Rome. Rome, who made rules and broke them. Rome, who told her he’d be watching from a safe distance and thought nothing about tricking her and lying. Rome, who had just seen and heard her come. There was nothing fake about that climax or the images that were still burned into her brain. She would gouge out her eyes of it meant not remembering, but there was no undoing what had already been done.

“You lied! You said you’d watch from the other room.”

“I did. I got bored. I decided to come back here. I wasn’t stealthy about it. You were just so into what you were doing that you didn’t hear me.”

In that moment, she decided that turnaround was most definitely fair play and she’d return the favor one day. She’d make this man suffer for breaking his rules like she was suffering. He’d be sorry that he ever signed that contract to toy with her. She stared at the toy in her hand, shiny with her own juices, and wondered what it would look like rammed down Rome’s throat.

Instead of being satisfying, that thought pulsed through her with the fury of a second detonator being hit. She was not going to sit there and think about Rome licking her juices off that toy before he got on his knees, spread her apart, and feasted on her sore, sensitive pussy until she physically couldn’t handle it any longer.

It was just about as equally satisfying to think about ramming that toy into Rome’s mouth so he couldn’t say another word.

She hopped off the desk, making sure she was entirely covered. As an afterthought, she rammed the stupid dildo into her purse. There was no way she was leaving that behind. Who knew what nefarious activity it would engage in after she was gone. Rome didn’t exactly seem like a panty sniffer, but what did she know?

She stopped right by him, thrusting a finger into his face. “You! You’re just…” There were no words. “Whatever happened to you doesn’t give you free license to be this awful.”

He gave her his usual cold sneer. “Awful? Yes, but there’s nothing that you seem to enjoy more. Or at least, your cunt is having a great time stuffed full, my name on your tongue.”

Her face flaming, Seren turned and raced out of the office. As usual, she had very little dignity to salvage. Every single day was worse when it came to this man. Just when she got herself together and got a counterattack in place, he charged through it and crushed her. He was evil straight to the core of him, and he seemed to enjoy it.

He made no effort to stop her from leaving, which was at least one word he hadn’t broken.

Chapter 11


Literally ten minutes before she was set to leave her house on Sunday afternoon, Seren received a text from Rome.

The Devil Himself: Your services will not be required today with Waverly. Something came up and we are otherwise engaged.

It was so like him to stand her up in such an abrupt, brusque manner. Why couldn’t he just do things the way normal people did them? Had he ever experienced any regular emotions? As usual, he was content to play with her, toying with her emotions, her body, and now her time. It wasn’t fair and it wasn’t right. He shouldn’t get to have that kind of power. She detested it, as per usual, but something darker swirled in the pit of her stomach.

Am I seriously butthurt over not being able to go? Rome’s jerkiness was clearly catching. What she was not catching was feelings. Nope.

It was more complicated than that. She could give herself a pass because of Waverly. She hadn’t seen the little girl since she’d left Brooke’s cottage.

Me: Fine. No problem.

Honesty probably was the best policy. Rome could take it. She didn’t always have to be so nice.

Me: Actually, it is a bit of a problem. You could have given me more notice.

Me: Is Waverly okay?

Me: Are you both okay?

Me: Only epic jerks ghost like this.

Me: It’s been forty-five minutes. I’m heading into work and I’m turning off my phone. I trust that if something serious happened, you would have informed me.

Me: You’re a jerk for making me worry.