“Key?” Maddox asks.
“In the front pocket of my bag.”
He opens her bag on his lap, pulling out the key, before opening his door.
“Don’t you dare wreck my bike,” Raena shouts at him as he climbs out of the car. He turns around, smirking at her.
“I’ll treat her like a queen, pinky promise,” he says, reaching back into the car, his pinky extended. She takes it, shaking his hand before he pulls back and closes the door.
We watch him climb the loading dock, pushing the busted door open wide enough to get her bike out, before disappearing into the building. He drives down the loading dock and turns out into the back alley in front of us as we follow behind him.
Raena watches him to make sure he is treating her baby right, but after a few minutes, she relaxes back into my hold, her head resting in the crook of my neck. Her sweet breath fans across my skin, causing a shiver to snake down my spine.
I want to slip my hand down her leggings and make her come on my fingers, but I know if I touch her right now, I will be buried inside of her before we even make it out of town. The first time I fuck her will not be in the backseat of the SUV.
With monumental restraint, I rest my head on top of hers and keep my hands out of her pants for the entire car ride.
Pulling into the garage behind Maddox, I look down at Raena to see she has fallen asleep. Good. Maybe she will stay asleep for what I have planned. I’ve had the whole ride here to think about how I wanted to do this, and I’m aching to get her in my bed.
Alek’s knowing eyes find me in the rearview mirror.
“Come on. We’ll help you get her upstairs,” he says, a single nod of his head letting me know he understands what I need. He climbs out before opening the door for me to climb out with her.
He helps me maneuver her head so I don’t bang it on the frame when I unfold out of the SUV. We make our way inside, climbing the stairs and going into my room.
She has never been inside here. Making my way to the bed, I look around and take stock of what she might see when she wakes up. My room is pretty much a mirrored carbon copy of Aleks in the decor and layout, with the bathroom and closet on the opposite side of the room. We have the same bed and furniture. Everything is either black, dark-stained wood, or glass.
When I designed this house, I wanted everything to match. The entire house, except one room, follows this scheme– Emma’s room. I had it painted light pink with white accents, just for her.
I wanted her to have some color and light in her own space. It sits untouched except for the cleaners who dust in there weekly, just waiting for her to come home.
Alek pulls back my black comforter, allowing me to lay Raena on my black sheets. He starts unlacing her boots, which I notice are not laced correctly.
I guess she was in a rush when she left us and just half-ass put them on. I remove her black hoodie slowly, careful not to wake her. She must have exhausted herself because she doesn’t even stir as I manipulate both the hoodie and my shirt off her pliant body.
A warmth spreads in my chest at the fact that she didn’t remove my shirt when she left. She kept a piece of me with her, regardless of the betrayal she felt at the time.
Once he has her boots off, he places them neatly inside my closet. I peel her leggings down her body, revealing her naked body to us. She still doesn’t wake up.
Maddox is bouncing on his heels, having watched us undress her from the foot of the bed without helping at all. I can tell he wants to wake her, but I need this time alone with her.
The three of us stand beside the bed for a few moments, just drinking in her beautiful body bared to us. Her scars don’t make her any less gorgeous. I can tell she is self-conscious about them, but she hasn’t fully seen the scars that mar each of our bodies under our tattoos.
They tell the same kind of stories as hers. Ones of trauma that tried its best to take us out of this world, but the scars are proof that we survived– that we were stronger than the people who put them there. Alek taps Maddox on the arm to catch his attention.
“Let’s give him some time with her. Let’s go burn off some energy in the gym.” He pulls Maddox along, nodding at me before walking out of my bedroom door. Maddox pokes his bottom lip out at him, looking back at Raena like he just told him he can’t play with his favorite toy. He slumps his shoulders and makes a show of shuffling his feet as he follows Alek out of the room.
As the door shuts behind them, I head to my closet to get what I need. The black wooden box sits on the floor of my closet. I bend down and pick it up before moving back into my room, placing the box on the foot of my bed. The brass latch makes a slight click when I pop it open. I take out everything I want to use on Raena, laying them next to her feet.
I haven’t opened this box in a long time. Not since we moved into this house. The familiar textures slip through my fingers, excitement running through me at the idea of them imprinting on her skin.
Once everything is laid out, I close the box, moving it to the floor next to the bed. My girl is going to be in for a surprise when she wakes up. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she realizes my threats weren't so empty after all.
Chapter 40
A warm, tingling heat licks at my spine, making my heavy eyes flutter open. My head rolls to the side, finding the only light source to be a lamp sitting on the bedside table next to me.
Confusion blankets me as I try to piece together where I am. This room looks similar to Aleks, but something feels off. I feel like I fell asleep in the car and woke up in an alternate reality.