“This was a punishment, Angel. Not a reward,” he says, and I can hear the smirk in his voice, even with my eyes closed.
I’m so pissed off, I can’t even move my bare ass off his island. I can hear him moving around, pulling things out of the refrigerator, and sitting them next to me as I try to compose myself enough to move.
“Royal, why is Raena looking violent this morning?” Maddox says from somewhere near my head.
I’m not sure how long he has been here, but since he can tell I’m pissed, he couldn’t have been here very long. I’m still kicking my own ass for falling right into his trap. He told me he would punish me, and I pushed his buttons anyway. I’m mad at myself more than him.
“She is just learning about actions and consequences. Isn’t that right, Angel?” Royal asks calmly, and it’s still a struggle to contain the sass that wants to spill out of my mouth.
I want to tell him to fuck off, then go and fuck his brother. I don’t, though. I don’t want to find out what other punishments he could have in store for me. I don’t think I can take the edging again just yet. I might combust.
“Yes sir,” I say softly.
He can have this one. I might be pissy, but I can see this for what it is. Royal thrives on control. Just from our brief interactions, I can already tell he needs to feel in control of most situations so he doesn’t snap.
“Good girl,” he praises, and my face flushes hotter from his praise.
Goddamn, all of these men are trying to kill me.
“Alright. Up you go,” Maddox says, grabbing my hands from my face and pulling me up from the counter.
He picks me up, sitting me back down on the barstool. I keep my mouth shut this time about my ability to sit on my own.
“We’ll make some breakfast. I’m starving and Royal already ate my breakfast,” he says, winking at me before turning back to Royal, who is standing in front of the stove.
I allow myself to get lost in my head as I sit there, watching them move around each other in perfect synchronization, cooking eggs, bacon, and toast together. I don’t know how much time passes, but I don’t even register when Alek enters the kitchen until I feel his hot breath on my neck and his large hands sliding over my waist.
“Morning, Baby Girl,” he whispers into my ear before trailing his lips over my shoulder. My eyes flutter closed, and I allow myself to melt back into his warm embrace. It surprises me how different it feels to be in each of their arms.
Maddox feels like chaos personified. His energy is infectious. Royal makes me feel strong, even when he’s dominant and possessive. His need for control means he wants me to submit, but the choice is mine. Whereas Alek feels like home. Being in his arms makes me feel safe and cared for. Nothing can hurt me as long as he is holding me.
Honestly, I don’t know much about these men yet. But, the emotions they arouse in me with their actions and how they have treated me… I can only hope I’m not wrong to trust in them.
“Morning,” I reply, smiling but keeping my eyes closed as he picks me up.
He turns me around to wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to the table in the dining room. I have no idea why he feels the need to feed me from his lap, but I like it. He takes a seat with me straddling his lap. We don’t talk for a few moments. I just lay my head on his bare chest and trace his tattoos there with my fingers.
I love their tattoos. I’m sure there are stories behind each piece of art inked into their skin. I want to ask about them, but I don’t. Not yet. I trace a large one that starts on his side and wraps around to his sculpted abs– it’s an angel holding a small child. It is ethereal and so beautiful I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
It reminds me of my daughter. She is with the angels now. While I can find peace knowing that she doesn’t have to endure the things I have, it doesn’t hurt any less. She was mine. My flesh and blood. She was brought into this world in a depraved and vile situation, but she was mine. It was my job to protect her and I failed miserably.
“Hey. What’s the matter?” Alek questions, bringing my face up with his fingers under my chin. My tears flow freely when I look into his concerned eyes.
“I’m okay,” I tell him, giving him a watery smile as I swipe at the tears staining my cheeks and nodding to the angel and child on his side. “Your tattoo, it just reminded me of my daughter. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize for expressing your feelings, Raena. You’re allowed to feel sad about losing your child. You’re allowed to be angry. You're allowed to feel however you want,” he assures me, taking my hand and placing it on top of the angel. His other hand cradles the back of my head, holding me against his heartbeat. “I got this for our sister. I hope wherever she is, she is being watched over and protected until we find her.”
His deep voice is thick with emotion and my heart aches for their loss as well as mine. Their sister is in the same hands that murdered my daughter. I can only hope someone else is protecting her until we can rescue her.
“We have to find her,” I whisper into his chest, my voice cracking with pent up emotions. I’ve kept them buried for so long, it’s hard for me to express myself when the floodgates open and they come rushing at me like the Grimm River.
“I know, baby. We will,” he whispers soothingly into my hair, his fingers massaging my scalp. “We will figure it out after breakfast.”
I nod my head in agreement, focusing on his heart beating against my cheek and the warmth of his bare skin. We stay like that until Maddox and Royal finish cooking. They bring piles of plates over, placing them in the middle of the table.
We eat in comfortable silence, Alek feeding me in his lap until I can’t take another bite. Only then would he even take a bite of food.
After everyone is finished, Alek and I clear the table together, putting the dishes in the sink. It’s wonderfully domestic. I could get used to this, and that scares me slightly.