Page 48 of Wicked Revenge

“Don’t worry, pretty girl. You’re riding with me.”

Chapter 27

He opens the door, sitting me down on the ground before climbing out with me, shutting the door behind us.

I look around the trail, spotting their bikes up ahead. They remind me of Nightshade, just missing the red accents. Their bikes are sleek matte black, and I’d expect nothing less with their shadow personas.

“You know, some girls say the vibrations alone can give them an orgasm,” Maddox says, walking to what I assume is his bike.

I don’t know how they tell them apart. They all look identical to me. He runs his hand over the seat, grinning at me. I don’t even comment. I don’t think they know I’m not a newbie around bikes, but I keep that information to myself for now. I’ll let them think what they want, then sit back and watch their faces when we pick up Nightshade.

“Well, I’m not like most girls,” I tell him, looking out into the distance.

You really can see the whole town from up here. I missed this trail and their bikes last night when I was running through the woods, since I ran in the other direction towards the river. I can see the back of Jackson’s property from here. Looking back at the truck, I see Royal reaching into the back, pulling out an extra helmet I didn’t know he brought with us.

He walks over, gathering my curls like I normally do, before placing the helmet on my head. He makes sure to tuck all the red ringlets inside the back of the helmet before popping the visor so I can see him.

“We have communication linked in each helmet, so you’ll be able to talk to us and vice versa when we’re riding. It might be scary at first, just hold on to him, lean when he leans,” he continues, and I just nod my head like I’m taking it all in. “I’m going to uncuff you so Maddox can have both hands. Are you going to be a good girl for me?”

“What’s the fun in that, man? I was looking forward to riding while cuffed to our girl,” Maddox chimes in, pouting like Royal just took away his favorite toy.

“Safety first, dumbass. I’m not having her first time on a bike end in a road rash,” Royal whips back at him, slapping his helmet that’s now on his head.

“I’ll be fine. I trust Maddox knows how to drive this thing?”

“I’d prefer you ride with me, but Maddox won our little wager,” he grumbles back at me.

“Yep, I sure did.” The smirk Maddox sports just serves to piss Royal off even more. His jaw ticks with irritation, but I can tell it's not too serious.

“And what wager would that be?” I ask, my hands planting on my hips.

“Oh, I bet you’d try to run. Didn’t even make me work for that one, did you?” Maddox laughs.

“I wasn’t trying to run. I was trying to help.”

“I know, pretty girl,” he says, running his hands down my arms before grabbing onto my waist and planting my ass on the bike. “Up you go.”

I lean forward, my hands gripping the seat in front of me to steady myself. Maddox takes this as his opportunity to smack my ass, the sharp sound echoing through the woods.

“Hey, what was that for?” I shout at him, even though I kind of want him to do it again.

I reach my hand back and rub the sting through my leather leggings. I might as well be wearing nothing, with how thin and tight they are. Not ideal for riding, but they’ll have to do until I can get back to my cottage and get my own clothes and gear.

“Because your ass looks delicious on my bike.”

I smirk at him, arching my back even further on purpose, giving my ass a little shake and he groans. “Keep doing that, Cherry. I have no problem laying you out on this bike and eating you like a goddamn Christmas buffet.” His signature smirk hides behind his helmet, but I can see it in his eyes. Before we can continue with our racy banter, Alek and Ella walk over to us.

“Y’all going to be good from here? I gotta get back to Mom before my shift. She wants to try to come with me today. She thinks she’s ready,” Ella says, stepping up beside me.

“That’s great, El. Maybe it will be good for her.”


The worry in her eyes is prominent. I can’t imagine all she has been through since her dad died. My heart breaks for her. I think because she had to take over everything, she hasn’t had the chance to properly grieve her father, like I didn’t get a chance to grieve Grams how she deserved.

Maybe when all this is settled, we can begin to heal the hurt we’ve had to endure in silence. I envy her mom for taking as long as she needs to grieve.

“Are you going to be okay, Rae?” She asks, and I know she is still worried about her ratting me out to the guys.