Page 43 of Wicked Revenge

“Not fucking happening, Angel. If you think for one second we would let that happen, you haven’t been paying attention. I will tie you to my fucking bed if I have to.” I growl at her. Leaning down, my lips a hair's breadth away from hers. “You. Are. Ours. King will never touch you again. We will find another way.”

“You don’t understand. I have to do this.” Tears well in her eyes, but I keep going.

“No, I don’t understand. But I will once you’ve told us what the fuck is going on.” She winces back at my tone, and I hate myself for losing my shit with her.

I feel out of control, and my tether is about to fucking snap. I will make good on my threat if she wants to test me. I will tie her to my bed and keep her a drooling, begging mess. She won’t be able to even think about giving herself up when the only thing she can think about is reaching the orgasm I refuse to give her.

Alek steps up beside us, reminding me that we are not alone here. I’m so focused on Raena that I forget for a moment my brothers are in the room.

“We can continue this conversation later. Ella is at the gate,” he says, holding up his phone with the security stream from the front gate.

“Let her in,” I say. I completely forgot she said she was coming back today to check on Raena. Alek and Maddox head up the stairs, but I keep her pinned against the wall for a few moments. Leaning back into her, I kiss her forehead before pulling back to look into her eyes, hoping she can see the seriousness in mine. “This discussion isn’t over, Angel.”

I release my grip on her throat when she nods back at me, and I step back out of her space, even though it pains me to lose that connection. I just need her to be near me. I need to know she’s safe. I’m not going to question what this is anymore. It doesn’t matter. She is mine. She isn’t leaving my fucking sight.

“Let’s go,” I say, grabbing her hand and leading her up the stairs, through the kitchen and into the living room where Ella and my brothers are waiting for us.

“Rae!” Ella exclaims, rushing over to us and hugging Raena tightly to her chest. “How do you feel? Are you okay? Do I need to kick one of their asses? I’ve got my curb-stomping boots on.”

She laughs, and it sounds like warm honey. I could listen to her laugh everyday. “I’m fine, I promise. I can’t breathe though,” she wheezes out around the crushing hug from her friend.

“Sorry, sorry. I’ve just been so worried about you.”

“What’s all this?” Raena asks, gesturing to the bags Ella sat on the table in front of the couch.

“I brought you some clothes and had the kitchen make some food up at Twisted since you weren’t home to eat what I had delivered there.”

“You know we can feed her, right?” Alek asks, offense dripping from his voice.

“Have you? Because I’d bet my left tit she hasn’t eaten anything since the last time I fed her.” Ella steps up to him, challenging him.

Alek whips around to look at Raena. She has her eyes cast down, staring at her bare feet like they are the most interesting thing in the world right now. “Is that true, baby?”

She doesn’t look up or respond, clearly embarrassed at being called out like this.

“Maddox, bring the bags to the kitchen,” he says, closing the distance between us and stealing Raena from my grasp. He grabs her hand, leading the way into the kitchen, the rest of us following behind them.

Alek has this need to take care of everyone, especially feeding them. I’m pretty sure a therapist would say it's because he was starved of that attention growing up, having no one to take care of him. So we indulge him when he is feeling like this.

“Sit,” he orders, pulling out a chair at the table and sitting down. Raena moves to sit next to him, but he pulls her back. “Not there. Here.” He pulls her onto his lap, forcing her legs to rest over his, and kisses her temple. “That’s better.”

He starts opening the bags Maddox laid on the table. I walk around the table to grab some plates from the cabinet before laying two in front of him and laying the rest on the table. Maddox and I take a seat on each side of them, and I look back to see Ella at the other end of the table, just staring at us with a smirk on her face.

“Are you going to take a seat, Ella? Or just stand there and hope some food falls into your mouth?” Maddox says, not even looking at her, just continuing to unpack the bags on the table.

“I’ve already eaten, dipshit.” She shoots back at him, before walking around to the opposite side of the table and sitting across from us. “It’s just a sight to watch ‘big daddy’ here manhandle my best friend like a rag doll.”

“Ella!” Raena exclaims, her cheeks flaming a flustered pink that makes me want to slip that hoodie off and see just how far that blush extends down her stunning little body.

“It’s okay,” Alek says, kissing her head and chuckling at the little blonde. “Here, take a bite.” He holds a fork up to Raena’s face, and she looks confused.

“You want to… feed me? How are you going to eat?” She asks, more pink flushing her cheekbones.

“Oh, I am feeding you, Baby Girl,” he states, leaving no room for argument. “And you’ll eat every bite I give you. Then, I’ll eat.”

“Okay then, Daddy.” She gives the sass right back to him, smirking at him and causing Maddox to choke on his eggs.

Between her and Maddox, I think they are going to give him an aneurysm. She doesn’t understand his need to do this, but she lets him anyway. She really is perfect for us. I love that she is getting comfortable enough around us to step out of her shyness and be herself.