“Wait, wh-what?” I stutter out. Is he implying what I think he’s implying? Have they been together like that? Something about envisioning Royal and Maddox together makes my thighs clench. I would pay good money to see Maddox tied up at the mercy of Royal any day of the week.
“Oh, pretty girl, you have so much to learn.” I’m tempted to ask more, but we make our way down the front steps where the others are waiting. I will definitely be revisiting this later.
“Let’s go. I want to get back so we can deal with Doc,” Royal says, and I realize I completely forgot about the old man from last night. Just bringing him up makes me freeze in place.
“Where is he?” They haven’t mentioned him at all, but that’s not surprising. A lot has gone down in the few hours I’ve been here. It’s crazy to think I only just met these men last night.
“We put him in the playroom,” Royal states plainly, like I’m supposed to know what that means. He must read the confusion on my face because he says, “We’ll show you when we get back, Angel. Let’s get going.”
Maddox opens the front passenger door, helping me slide in the middle next to Ella before scooting beside me, closing the door. I feel the truck bed dip as Alek and Royal jump into the back, banging on the side to signal they are ready. Ella looks at me for a moment, an apology shining in her eyes.
“It’s okay, Cinderella. I understand. I’m not mad,” I whisper to her, squeezing her hand on the steering wheel.
I get why she told them. I probably would have done the same thing to protect her if the roles were reversed. I can’t be mad at her. She smiles softly back at me before turning the key in the ignition and setting off to wherever the guys left their bikes.
I am itching to get back to Nightshade. I hate leaving her out in the elements, but I didn’t really have a choice last night. I have no idea how I’m supposed to ride while handcuffed to this beautiful psycho, but I guess there is a first time for everything.
Ella takes the outskirts of the forest, avoiding driving through town. The last thing we need is to be spotted together by King or the Kingsmen. Maddox seems to be anxious, practically vibrating in his seat next to me. His knee is bouncing a mile a minute, his fingers rapidly tapping his leg. I give him a few more seconds before I can’t take it anymore.
“What’s wrong?” I lean over and whisper to him, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tightly. Before I know what’s happening, he picks me up, maneuvering me to straddle his lap. He buries his face into my fiery curls and inhales deeply. His body finally relaxes as he holds me tightly to him.
“That’s better,” he breathes into my hair. “I don’t like exposing you like this. You’re out in the open where King could see you.”
“Oh, well, I don’t think he would recognize me just seeing me in a truck,” I tell him, trying to ease his fears.
“I hate to tell you this, Cherry, but your hair is kind of memorable.”
“Yeah, but the last time he saw me, my hair wasn’t red. It was blonde, well, almost white, like Ella’s. I changed it after I escaped.”
His hand fingers my curls, inspecting them. “Red suits you,” he says, bringing a smile to my face.
I miss my icy ringlets sometimes, but they only serve as a reminder of the girl who died in that cell. I’m not her anymore. I’ll never be her again. I’ve spent the last two years burying her and rebuilding myself into The Hunter. Into someone who can protect herself and her loved ones. What happened back then will never happen again. I’m pulled from my thoughts when Maddox directs Ella to turn down a narrow dirt trail.
“Where are we going?” I ask. I’ve never noticed this trail before.
“The shadow trails,” he answers, “My brothers and I made these so we could look out for the people in Shadow Forest without being seen. We left our bikes out here last night.”
The truck bounces through the puddles of last night's storm, causing my body to bounce in Maddox’s lap. He tightens his hold around my waist, pulling me down on him as he lifts his hips, grinding his cock into me.
I can feel his length digging into me as lightning licks my spine and desire floods my veins at our position. I close my eyes, pressing my lips together tightly to suppress the moan threatening to slip out.
“Fuck, pretty girl. Keep bouncing on my cock like that, and I’ll blow in my pants like a fucking teenager,” he whispers in my ear, desire dripping from his words.
I can’t help but press my ass harder against him, twisting my hips slightly in his lap. I lean my head back against his shoulder, my body shuddering against him as he grinds up into me again.
“I bet if I slipped my hand into your panties right now, I’d find your pretty little pussy soaking wet for me, wouldn’t I, Cherry?” His lips find my ear as he sucks the lobe of it into his mouth, piercing my flesh with his teeth.
My breath catches in my lungs, the sting of his bite turning into pleasure. I can feel my pussy dripping. I find his ear, licking the outer shell.
“What panties?”
He responds by driving his hips up harder against me, while shoving me down at the same time. The action makes me forget we are not alone in the cab of this truck until Ella clears her throat.
Immediately pulled from the moment, I can feel my cheeks burning as I’m sure they turn a flaming red that rivals my hair.
“I hate to interrupt whatever– that was,” she says, motioning to both of us with a wave of her hand and failing to hide the smirk she’s flaunting. “But we’re here.”
I didn’t even realize we had stopped. She’s already thrown the truck in park before climbing out of the cab and walking to the back where the others are getting out.