“Are you sure the girls will be fine?” She asks, and I fight the urge to roll my eyes.
“I can bet my mom loves our girls a little more than we do, so definitely she’ll watch them like a hawk,” I assure her, as we drive into the night.
“No, fucking way!” Winnie gasps, covering her mouth with her palm, as we get to the location. “La Roma? Are you for real?!” She asks, and a wide smile forms on her face.
“Yes baby,” I say with a smile as I turn off my ignition. “Let's take it back to three years ago.” I hope she gets the humor.
“Why?” She asks as she turns over to look at me.
“Let's say I want to take it back to where it all started.” I give a tight lip smile, then place a light kiss on her forehead. Then I let myself out, quickly walking over to her side of the door.
“Thank you.” She says, as I open her door, grabbing her hand as I gently lead her out of the car, shutting it after her.
“I love you, babe,” I say, opening the restaurant door for her.
“Welcome to La Roma,” The maître said to Winnie with a wide smile, that I'm almost helping him close his mouth shut. No one is allowed to go that extra with my Winnie, even if it's a god damn Maître.
“Ted.” She nudges my side with her elbow, noticing my frown, which is directed to the maître.
“Do we have a reservation?” She whispers as she shifts closer to me.
“Huh?” I ask, urging her to shift closer as I wrap my hand around her waist and pull her close to me.
“Your table is ready,” the maître says, cutting off whatever Winnie was going to tell me, but he doesn't seem to notice our little exchange.
“Please follow me.”
“Have I got a response to your question?” I ask with a smirk as I take her hand into mine, squeezing lightly.
“You!” She let out a giggle, as we made our way to our table.
“What would you like to order?” The maître asks as we both pick up the menus from the table.
“We’ll start with two glasses of wine,” I state, looking down at the menu. Winnie does the same.
“I’ll have pasta with a side salad, along with breadsticks and garlic butter,” Winnie says, as the maître jots in a digital pad.
“I'll have the same,” I add, giving him a smile. He gives us a smile in return before taking our menus and walking away.
“Is it just me, or are we practically the only ones in this restaurant?” Winnie asks, looking around the restaurant as she laughs in disbelief.
“Well…” I trail off, trying to give nothing off.
“Hold on… You did not fully book off the whole restaurant, did you?” Winnie gives me an accusing glance, as I try to act nonchalant, which fails miserably.
“Did I?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. She stares at me.
“What's this about, Ted?” She asks, leaning over the table, her chin resting on her right fist. Her hair falls in front of her face, making her look more adorable than ever, as she pouts.
My heart clenches.
As though on cue, the maître comes back with a bucket of red wine placed in ice.
“I've got the best bottle of wine in the city right here. Would you like to taste it now?” he asks, and we both nod our heads as he fills both glasses with wine and places them before us.
“Enjoy.” He says and walks off.