"That should do it," Luke announced and took a seat in the main room. Riall joined him after throwing an enchantment over the locks on the door, making sure no one would enter without permission. Riall was not a trusting soul.

"We need to find a name for this handsome man," Luke told him, and Riall sat on the edge of his seat.

“Who do you think he is?” He asked.

“I can’t find anything on him.”

“Maybe he’s a low-level member.” Riall theorized.

"He moved like someone in control. He has a command of some sort." Luke countered. Riall nodded in agreement.

“He moved well.” Riall offered with a lustful grin.

“He moved really well.” Luke shot back with a wink.

Liam walked across the dining hall to the kitchen in back with the intent of checking the supplies. It wasn’t necessary that he do this on his day off, but he was getting an anxious feeling in his stomach which precluded just sitting and relaxing as he’d planned.

He continued to experience the scent that had tormented him earlier. It was in the halls and in the dining room. He felt the urge to go in search of the source, but he held back. It couldn't be what he thought, so why tease himself with such an unlikely possibility? He kept his eyes straight ahead and went through to the back room. The scent quickly dissipated, and he genuinely felt its loss.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were off for a few days.” His assistant Carson was busily checking supplies and had the back kitchen well in hand. He had nothing to worry about.

“I was feeling restless.” He admitted and took a seat at one of the long prep tables. Carson handed him a cup of coffee.

“Tell me about it. You look troubled.” He pressed for more.

"I picked up an odd scent in the Palace after I returned from town this afternoon, and it won't let me go." He smiled. "It's nothing, probably."

“How does this scent make you feel, Chef?”

“Uneasy and bothered but it comes and goes so whatever it is will probably be gone by tomorrow.” He tried to downplay it.

“Keep an open mind, Chef.” He grinned. “It could be very important.”

"I doubt it, but I'll keep an open mind." He changed the subject to the business at hand, and they discussed menus and tossed ideas around for the anniversary party. Finally, Liam headed back to his apartment and noticed the scent was no longer lingering. The dining room was clear, as was the hall and stairway.

Liam walked around the area idly not admitting to himself that he was looking for the tantalizing scent and was disappointed when there was no sign of it anywhere. Thoughts of his beloved came to mind following his discussion with Carson. It was a delightful consideration and theories of who and what they might be also came to mind.

Fate would most likely send him someone like himself older staid and settled into their lives. He wondered if they would have a passion for cooking like himself or would they have another focus in their life. It was entertaining to think about, but the reality being that it was probably nothing and tomorrow will be like yesterday.

He let himself into his apartment and settled in for the night. The excitement of new discoveries was slowly draining away although a part of him was holding onto the hope that Fate had decided to touch him with an eternal gift.

Come morning, the brothers were no closer to figuring out a plan than they had been last night. They stared at his picture all through the night, falling deeper and deeper under his spell. Luke had coffee and a light breakfast delivered to their room.

“Can we trust it?” Riall asked as he poked at the omelet and sniffed the toast.

“If they were going to kill us, they would have done it already.” Luke took a large bite of his toast and dug into his omelet. “We’re going to have to speak with someone.”

"I know." He nodded and drank his coffee. "Let's talk to the vampire who showed us in yesterday. I think his name was Ira. His aura was solid, and the Master appeared to respect him." Riall was a good judge of character, and Luke rarely questioned his suggestions.

After they finished breakfast, Luke stepped out into the hall, knowing that there would be a soldier lurking about. He asked the man to convey a message to Ira that they would like to speak with him, and approximately twenty minutes later, there was a knock on their door.

"I was informed you wished to speak with me," Ira stated, and Luke showed him inside and closed the door behind him.

"We scented our mate yesterday when leaving the Master's office. That's why we agreed to dinner and staying the night." Riall cut right to the point.

“Did you find them?” Ira asked. He sounded surprised but also sympathetic.

“He walked through the dining hall while we were there, and I snapped a picture of him." Riall was not wasting time.