"He has been located, my lord." The man stepped into the room and handed the Earl an envelope.
"After all these years, he's finally surfaced."
“Yes, sir.”
“Finally, I will make him pay. My father will be avenged, and our name will be saved.”
“He changed his name and is living in America.”
The Earl dismissed the man and tore open the envelope. He'd been searching for Sir Percy for centuries, and finally, the moment of retribution was at hand. He would rip his heart out with his bare hands and place his severed head on a pike. Death would not come fast or easy.
"I need the Cerulean scroll, also known as the Midnight Blue," Louis announced.
"I've never heard of it," Ismael responded.
"I've heard of it," Silas stated. "It's like a generator for other mystical objects. It doesn't have any powers itself, but it enhances the power of anything it sets next to."
“So where do we find this Cerulean scroll? Ismael asked.
"It is in the custody of the Raven Lord." Silas and Ismael glanced at one another, skeptical of any aid coming from the Raven Lord.
“Just the fact that we want it will be reason enough for the Raven Lord to tell us to go fuck ourselves.” Ismael delivered the hard truth. “He’s an unpleasant bastard who sees no value in any species except his own.”
“He’s proud and aloof but so are we Ismael.” Louis commented. “Batiste tells me that Fenrah, the Raven Lord has the scroll so I will deal with him.” Louis put the emphasis on will, making his desire and his intent in this matter clear.
"The threats to us are building with the rot taking hold in the east. We must prepare and be ready to defend and protect to the best of our ability. The Cerulean scroll will give us the edge that could very well make the difference. When the time comes, and I believe that it will, I want every advantage available." Louis explained himself, which was not something he did often. Ismael and Silas nodded and agreed.
“Besides,” Louis added, “he owes me.”
Chef Liam Reid put the finishing touches on dinner and had it delivered to the dining room. He then took the special order of Master DuCane and had it delivered to the Master's floor, where it was presented and served by two of his meticulously trained footmen. His day was nearly finished, and the prep cooks and floor staff would take over until nine, at which time the kitchen was closed.
The dining room stayed open around the clock, and he was thankful for his talented and competent staff. The kitchen was so well organized that it nearly ran by itself. He'd been with Coven DuCane for several years now, and he'd settled in nicely. It was a very old world aesthetic and that suited him just right. Having spent most of his professional life in the noble kitchens of Georgian England he ,found serving Master DuCane to be very similar. It was a life he knew and loved.
"What are your plans for your days off, sir?" Matty, one of the newer servers, asked as he sorted and stored some specialty glassware.
"Thought I'd go to town and try out that new restaurant that I heard some of the guards speaking of the other day. It's called Le Bouchon, and it's boasting fine French cuisine."
“This is Mt. Pleasant in mid-Michigan.” Matty smiled. “What are the chances you will get fine French cuisine anywhere around here? I think you’ll find that the only thing French about that restaurant is the name.”
"You're probably right, but I have to give it a try. I like to keep an eye on my competition.” He teased.
"You have no competition, sir. Your skills are without comparison. You were the best thing to happen to this Coven in a long time." Matty's compliments went right to Liam's heart.
"Thank you, Matty." He moved on to let Matty complete his work and headed for the dining room to make sure everything was in order before he called it a night and headed to his quarters. Once in the dining room, he was called over to Ismael's table. He was having dinner with his beloved Easton. Both he and Easton were former members of the Hadden Coven in Pittsburgh, so they have maintained a friendship and a special bond.
Everyone at Coven DuCane refers to him as Chef Reid, except for Easton and Ismael. Easton has always called him Liam even when they lived in Pittsburgh and Ismael picked it up as well. He enjoyed the personal nature of the address and wished more would call him by his first name. But there was a formality about Coven DuCane and his position garnered a certain level of respect and therefore he was addressed as Chef Reid.
"The beef is excellent, Liam," Easton commented. "Do you have time to sit for a minute?"
“Of course.” He sat and they discussed a variety of things such as the vegetable garden, the fruit garden and various scheduled dinners and parties including a very special ball the Master was planning for his and Ezra’s anniversary.
“The Master has been very specific in regard to what he expects, and we will not let him down.” Liam was already gathering items and sourcing products for the grand occasion.
“Louis would do anything for his beloved. Ezra is the one who makes his heartbeat and his blood pump. He is the center of his world." Ismael stated with just a hint of wonderment in his voice. He then reached over and took Easton's hand.
"It's similar, I'm sure, to what I feel for Easton, although sometimes I can't imagine anyone feeling as deeply or loving someone the way I love my Easton." Easton smiled and accepted the kiss gently bestowed on his lips.