“If the prices are significantly lower in Colombia, who’s going to prevent someone, yourself even, from buying a bunch here to sell in places like the US or Europe?”
“We could put limitations on the quantity of purchase, yes?”
“We could, but it may be more trouble than it’s worth.”
“You already sell in Brazil, even Peru. Es natural to expand to rest of South America.”
“Our sales in Peru are modest, but it was easy since we’re active there already.”
At the end of the meeting, Torres left hopeful and Vargas less so.
“I don’t see the harm in trying,” Charlie says. “Why not sell our shit wherever we can?”
I turn to Yang Mi to see what her response is.
“I’m not convinced the market is big enough to justify setting up the infrastructure needed to sell in places like Colombia.”
“That and opportunity cost,” I say.
Charlie gives me a look that makes me think I should send all triad members through Economics 101. I again turn to Yang Mi.
“Time and resources cost money that could go towards endeavors with higher returns,” she explains. “But Argentina could be worth it. We’re doing well in Brazil, and Argentina’s average income is not too different.”
“Okay, we do Argentina, and maybe get to the rest of South America after that,” Charlie says. “Hey, I bumped into Aaliyah last night. Maybe we could all do dinner and drinks here tonight. Throw a little party.”
“There wasn’t enough party for you on the cruise here?” I ask.
“You barely partied. I didn’t know where you were most of the time.”
I could have answered that I was busy torturing Ramona, but I don’t need a bunch of questions from Charlie. “You can party. I’m going to stay on the yacht,” I say.
“That must be some good pussy.”
It is. Extremely. Good. Pussy.
“You made the right choice to groom Yang Mi for head dragon,” Ming says on the drive back to Kingston. “Charlie needs to be a lot more serious, but I don’t see him changing.”
“Neither do I,” I say before taking a call from Esen.
“Got some info and pics on the Rossi family,” Esen tells me. “You want me to send it over the system? It’s not super-sensitive info, just the police reports, which I think are interesting because they took blood samples at the crime scene, and there’s blood with DNA completely different from the Rossis’.”
“Sure, send it to Ming.”
Ming pulls out his tablet. The first thing I see are the pics. Luca Rossi. Sofia Rossi.
Their appearance confirms to me that “Ramona” is a Rossi.
Next come pics of their children. I narrow my eyes.
“That’s her,” I say. “Martina. Martina Rossi.”
Chapter 24
There’s a different look in Vincent’s eyes when he enters tonight. Almost like he’s sorry for me.