I try to make conversation. “So what do you guys do for fun around here?”
“I’m not interested in talking,” he tells me.
Eat. Sleep. Twiddle my thumbs. Those were the things Vincent said I could do. That and use the bathroom, which I don’t want to do with Xander here, but I don’t have a choice.
Sitting on the toilet, I look to the bathtub. I could take another bath, but I don’t know that I trust Xander. Remembering how the sponge felt between my legs this morning, I start to warm. After washing my hands, I splash cold water into my face. But that doesn’t help. A certain part of my body wants attention.
I crawl back into bed. Sleep could help pass the time away, but I’m too awake. I want to touch myself, but not with Xander watching. Turning onto my side, I pull the cover up to my shoulders and slip one hand between my legs. I don’t think he can tell.
At first I just press my fingers against my clit, but slowly I start to stroke. Oh, that feels good…
It takes a while because I’m keeping my motions as subtle as possible, but eventually the pressure starts to build. It’s a slow climb to the peak, and the longer it takes, the more wetness flows onto my thighs. But I’ve got to get to the end. I want that release.
The orgasm is small, and I have to keep my body from shuddering too much, but it’s way better than nothing. I sigh. Now maybe I can sleep a little.
However, my rest is short-lived.
I hear someone enter the suite and know immediately that it’s Vincent.
Chapter 18
After returning to the yacht, I shower and throw on a T-shirt and loose-fitting pants. Ming told me that Ramona had eaten her lunch, which I was glad to hear. I wonder if she’s doing better. Seeing me again would probably dampen her mood, but I know her hatred for me is motivating for her.
I decide to pay her a visit.
Sitting in the armchair near Ramona’s bed, I have a view of her back. I can tell her breath isn’t even.
When a crew member named Helen pokes her head in, I wave her inside.
“Here are the shopping items Mr. Ming said you requested,” she whispers.
“You can talk normally,” I tell her and glance in Ramona’s direction. “She’s awake.”
Helen sets down multiple shopping bags. “If she doesn’t like what I picked out, or the fit isn’t right, I’ll return them and pick out new things.”
After Helen leaves, I turn to Ramona. “Get up and try these things before the shops close.”
They might already be closed for all I know. Nightfall has already started and will soon wipe out the thin layer of orange along the horizon. The city lights on the streets, buildings and waterfront have turned on, illuminating the bustling city. Kingston has a vibrant nightlife, and I know Charlie is making the most of it. Yang Mi, too, since I allowed her to have her girlfriend flown in.
Ramona props herself up onto an elbow. “Try what things?”
Getting up, I bring the shopping bags to the bed. “Clothes.”
Ramona looks at me. It’s on the tip of her tongue to say something sassy, I think, but she knows I can just as easily keep her naked all day long. Pulling her robe together, she sits up and reaches into one of the smaller shopping bags. She takes out lacy white underpants and a camisole. The next bag contains a set of linen pajama top and shorts. From the final bag, she unpacks a ruffled blouse and bandana skirt in the colors of the Jamaican flag and an embroidered dashiki with wide sleeves.
“They look fine,” she declares.
“I said to try them on,” I say.
She looks over at Xander. I gesture for him to leave.
When she looks to me, I explain, “I’m staying.”
“I’m not going to try anything funny.”
Without word, I continue to stare at her till she relents with a sigh. She considers getting out the side farthest from me, even though she’s closer to my side of the bed. But I grab her by the arm and haul her out. I should just let her do her thing. I know she can’t stand to be near me. But I’m in an irritable mood because I couldn’t get her out of my head the entire afternoon.