“Fuck off!” I manage to roar even though it feels like iron fists are compressing my lungs.
Doesn’t he get it? I don’t care about the fucking cops. My world is in my arms right now. All that matters to me is here. I could be in Hell and not care.
“I’m sorry, Boss, but I’ve got to.”
I barely recognize the strike to my neck before I black out.
When I wake up, I am in hell.
And I was wrong.
I do care.
Chapter 2
Martina Rossi
After collapsing, I lay on my side on the floor of the cage, my body spent yet buzzing, still pulsing with pleasure while my mind swims in disbelief. I’ve never had such a full-body orgasm before. How was that possible while Vincent was spewing dirty, disgusting thoughts in my ear? My lust simply overpowered all else, I guess, including my all-consuming hatred for the man who was pounding me into the most intense orgasm. All while making me beg for the fucking.
Mio Dio. I should hate myself. I hate that I called him “daddy,” which was gross in and of itself but particularly galling when my real father is gone thanks to Vincent Xu. I hate that I came so hard for him. And I hate that my body wants to do it all over again.
It’s bad enough that I’m locked in a cage like an animal in a sketchy dog pound, naked and beaten and thirsty and hungry.
The truth is I would happily endure more thirst and hunger over being forced to orgasm at the hands—and cock—of my mortal enemy. I hate my body for betraying me. I hate being an omega. I know it’s not my fault that I was born this way, or that Vincent happens to be an Alpha. It’s a pheromone thing. Otherwise there’s no way his skilled caresses would have such a potent effect on me.
I know an omega stands little chance against an Alpha. Still, I can’t help but be disappointed in myself. Surely I could have resisted the man I hated most in the world, the man who gave the order to take out my family, the man I had vowed to kill if it was the last thing I did? But instead of assassinating him, I climaxed for him.
If I had my omega blockers, it would be a different story. The medication is a godsend and helped to suppress the qualities that omegas have been cursed with. The cruel irony is that they’re produced by the Black Dragon Triad and sold on the black market because governments refuse to recognize that the Alpha-beta-omega hierarchy exists in humans. From what I understand, Vincent Xu is the one who spearheaded the research and development of omega blockers.
Despite the darkness of the “dungeon,” a windowless basement-like level on Vincent’s superyacht, I know he’s standing before my cage. Feeling too ashamed, I avoid looking at him. His attractive features and enviable physique mask the monster inside.
I lay curled on the floor of the cage because the enclosure is not large enough for me to stretch my legs out. Luckily I don't have long legs, but I'm still a good sized woman, just shy of five and a half feet tall. I’ve kept myself fit because the physical training helped me stay on task with my life’s mission of seeing Vincent take his last breath.
I expect him to reach through the bars and grab my face—he seems to enjoy pressing his fingers into my cheeks—to force me to look into his gaze so he can drink in my humiliation and self-loathing. He has an uncanny ability to know what I don’t want and to force that very thing onto me. It’s like he can read my mind, like he knows me, even though he only just met me less than three days ago, when I unsuccessfully tried to put a bullet in his head.
Vincent doesn’t move. He just stands there, silent, staring at me. He’s not rubbing it in my face that I came for him. Hard. Even though my body has been battered—my ass still stings from the caning and paddling, my split lip seems unable to heal since I’ve been so dehydrated, and my nipples are so sensitive that I’m actually glad for my nudity because I wouldn’t want anything touching the poor buds—I still had the strongest orgasm. I did that even while he filled my head with unwanted incestuous thoughts.
Peering at him through my lashes, I see that he looks unsettled, like he’s not sure what to make of me or the situation. I’ve had the chance to observe him up close in the six days I’ve been aboard his yacht, and this is the first time I’ve seen him exhibit any doubt. He’s usually filled with cold confidence.
“Give her the bottle of water,” Vincent directs, his voice a sexy, deep baritone—if it had belonged to any other man, that is. “And have the kitchen send down some bread or something.”
Did I hear that correctly? I’m getting food? Why? But it’s the thought of water that gets me to stir and look at him.
Catching my gaze, he squats down to my line of gaze. His short-sleeved linen shirt is unbuttoned, revealing his chiseled body. I want to look away, but I also don’t want him thinking that he intimidates me, though he does. Not because he’s the ruthless head of the Black Dragon Triad, who can have anyone killed with the simple snap of his fingers. Not because he can torture me, use my body however he wants, and force himself and his goons on me. Not even because he can make me come against my will and degrade myself in front of him.
Ever since I lied and told him my name was Irene Lazzarelli Vincent seems intent on destroying my soul. I don’t know why that bothers me. I stopped going to church and cast aside any spirituality in favor of revenge after my family was gunned down by Vincent’s people. And I was prepared to die for my cause. So why does his piercing stare unnerve me?
“It’s your lucky day, pet,” he says.
I want to cringe at his moniker for me, but I suppress my reaction. I don’t want Vincent thinking he has anything on me.
“You get to live,” he finishes.
Normally, being told you get to live is a good thing. To me, it has a devastating ring.
The only reason Vincent could possibly want me alive is to torture me more. He doesn’t believe that Irene Lazzarelli is my real name, and he suspects that there’s someone working with me on the inside.
There is. His name is Brady Lee, and we have a shared desire to see Vincent Xu six feet under.