"We're moving to Japan!" he said.
"You're moving where?" I asked.
"Oh my goodness," I said, "That's going to be quite an adventure. Is everyone going?"
I'm sure the reason for my question was not overlooked.
"No," Mr. Linder said, "Jon is staying here."
"That's a pretty big move," I said, not hiding my surprise. "You have family there, right?"
"David's parents and brother live in Okinawa," Mrs. Linder said. "We'll live there for a year before deciding whether to make it permanent or return. We still have our business here, so a year feels right."
"What about your house in Garrison?"
"Jon is moving in," Mrs. Linder said, "It'll be more house than he needs, but he's agreed to it."
"When do you leave?"
"Next week!" Noah said.
"That soon?"
"We've been planning it for a couple of years," Mr. Linder said.
When I glanced behind Mr. Linder, I saw Jon walking towards us with a gorgeous blonde woman on his arm. That must be Susan, I thought.
He approached me and said hello but made no attempt to hug me.
"Hi," I said, feeling a lump in my throat and a painful tug on my heart.
"How are you?" he asked cooly.
"I'm good," I said.
"The last time I spoke to Loren," he said, "she was looking forward to your graduation. UCLA, right? She was so proud of you. Congratulations."
"Thank you," I said, wondering if he sensed my nervousness.
"Susan," he said, "this is Sharon. Sharon, Susan."
"It's nice to meet you," Susan said, shaking my hand, "I've heard so much about you."
"All good things," Mr. Linder assured me.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Jon's gaze found mine again.
"It was nice to see you," he said. "Take care and congratulations again."
"Yeah, you too. Thanks."
When they all turned and walked away together, I felt a pang of envy. I wanted to go with them because they were the family that was once mine.
"Hi Gary," I say, greeting Loren's son the day after graduation.