"Noah had a fabulous time at the exhibit," Dad says.

"I got four toys!" Noah exclaims, putting up four fingers.

"Where are they?" Sharon asks.

"We dropped them off back at the hotel," Mom says. "We called your rooms, but there was no answer. We assumed you were still out."

"We were probably in the elevator," I say.

"In the elevator?" Dad asks.

We fill them in on what happened.

"Oh my gosh," Mom says, "They were working on the elevator when we walked by. You two were stuck inside?"

"Yeah," I say, glancing at Sharon. She's asking Noah what he wants for dinner.

"If I order chicken," she says, "can I share some with you?"

Noah nods before adding, "I want fries."

"I'm ordering a burger and fries," I say. “I'll share some with you."

Dad orders the prime rib, and Mom orders a Cobb salad.

"How long were you stuck in the elevator?" Dad asks.

"It wasn't very long," I say. "Maybe twenty minutes."

When I see concern on Mom and Dad's faces, I smile and add, "Don't worry, Sharon was able to help me stay calm. We sat on the floor and talked. I was fine."

They smile and look at Sharon with gratitude.

"Don't give me too much credit," she says. "I was the one feeling a little panicked."

"Thank goodness they got it fixed quickly," Mom says. "We'd be sitting here wondering where you both were."

"How do you all feel about staying for a couple more days?" Dad asks, changing the subject.

"I'd like to get back to Loren's," I say. "I told her we'd be back tomorrow."

"Sweetheart," Mom begins, "I don't mean to sound insensitive, but Loren is not your responsibility."

"She's no one's responsibility, Mom, but she's my friend. She's expecting to see us at church in the morning."

"That's fine, Son," Dad says. "You and Shay can take Noah back with you if you don't mind. Mom and I will take the train back home on Tuesday."

"Yeah, that's fine," I say. "Sharon, are you okay with that plan?"

"Of course," she says, smiling and tickling Noah. "I go where Noah goes."

"You go with me!" Noah laughs before becoming thoughtful. "Not today, though. Today, you went with Jon."

We all laugh, and when I glance at Sharon, I notice she's blushing a pretty pink. God, she's beautiful.


We meet Mom and Dad for breakfast before leaving New York.