"Linder!" Fletcher screamed. "Move!" I moved out of the way just as another wave hit, throwing Fletcher off balance. I watched as he fell into the water.

"Linder!" I heard Fletcher's voice, but I was no longer focused on orders.

"Jimmy!" I screamed. I put half my body inside the dark compartment without letting go of the edge, and with sweeping motions, I reached in as far as I could until I felt something, but it shifted out of reach. I tried again and again until I took hold of it again. It was Jimmy's life jacket. I held on to it and pulled with all my might.

"Hang on, Jimmy. I got you!" I began pulling him out. I saw the top of his head. He was heavy and looked to be unconscious. I let go of the hatch to grab him with both hands, but that turned out to be a fatal mistake.

"Jimmy, can you hear me?!” I was pulling him out when another wave hit, knocking me off balance. I lost my grip on Jimmy but held on with one hand as my body was flung over the side of the vehicle. I held on as long as I could until another wave hit, and I felt my shoulder dislocate. I let him go.

"Nooo!" I screamed, tumbling down the side of the vehicle as it rolled over and started sinking.

"Jimmy, Jimmy, nooo!" I caught a glimpse of the other vehicle in my peripheral vision right before it slammed into me and plunged me into darkness.

I open my eyes slowly, expecting to see my father's worried face, but I'm not in the hospital. I'm in my hotel room in New York. I fell asleep after all, and the nightmare didn't change.


"What are you doing up so early?” Dad asks, opening the door to their room, "You look terrible."

"Thanks, Dad," I say, "We need to talk."

"Well, that doesn't sound good."

"Is Noah awake?"

"No. He's still sleeping. Is everything okay?

"I don't know, to be honest."

"You want some coffee?" he asks.

Dad strongly believes that every issue under the sun can be discussed and resolved over a cup of coffee.

"You're up early," Mom says, stepping out of the bedroom with her hair wrapped in a towel.

Their room is a bigger suite with a bedroom and bath separate from a small seating area.

Dad hands me a cup of coffee and sits on the sofa across from me.

"What's on your mind, Son?"

Mom sits next to Dad and clasps her hands together, giving me her undivided attention. She has always been able to read me like a book, so I'm sure she can tell whatever's on my mind is something serious.

"I had a pretty rough night."

"Another nightmare?" Dad asks.

I nod and take a sip of coffee.

"Are you okay?" Mom asks.

"Yes, I'm fine, but it wasn't pretty. Sharon heard me and came into the room. She woke me up and did her best to help me calm down."

Mom nods, waiting for the punch line.

"I think I scared her. When I woke up and realized what was happening, she was sitting next to me. Her eyes were wide and filled with worry."

"I thought you said the dreams were getting better," Dad says.