"No, thank you."
"And to drink?" asks Sharon. "Do you want orange juice or milk?"
"Milk, please."
"Mom, do you mind if Sharon and I take Noah with us to visit Loren? I called her this morning, and she said she's looking forward to our visit."
"No, of course not. You can take him with you. I'll be here conducting interviews. Hopefully, we can get someone hired today."
"I hope so too, Mom."
"I wish your father was here to help me."
"Do you want me to help?" I say, "I don't mind staying."
"What about your visit with the neighbor?"
"I can call her and tell her we'll come by later. After the interviews."
"Thank you, Sweetheart. I appreciate your staying to help me."
"I'll take Noah out to the back. There are a lot of nice flowers out there to smell and learn about,” says Sharon.
The interviews are scheduled back-to-back. We interview five people in total and are done by noon.
"What do you think?" asks Mom after I walk the last candidate to the door.
"Well," I begin, "I think Robert knows his stuff. The landscaping alone around here is no joke. It's not just a matter of mowing the lawn. There are flowers to tend, plants to water, and trees and shrubs to trim. There's just a lot."
"What about the housekeepers?" she asks.
"Olivia has a family and is looking for long-term work. I think she's dependable and has good references from Loren. How often do you plan to have her here?"
"Every day would be ideal," says Mom. "I'd like her to cook dinner for us three or four times a week. She said she's available Monday through Friday. What about Gretchen? She's a college student and might have more time to be here."
"But she might not last," I say. "Once she graduates a year from now, she'll be off looking for work in whatever field she's studying."
"So, Robert and Olivia?" Mom asks.
"They're my top choices."
"Mine too," she says.
"What do you have planned for the rest of the day?"
"I'm going to meet your father for lunch to go over the prospects so I can call them in the morning."
"Sounds like a plan. Sharon and I are going to visit Loren. She's expecting us for lunch."
"Okay," says Mom. "I'm going to get ready. I'll see you tonight."
Walking out the back door, I see Sharon deep in conversation with Noah.
"What are you two up to?" I ask when I reach them.
"We found some ladybugs in this shrub," says Sharon, "I'm putting them on Noah's arm so he can get a better look. Be careful with them, Sweetie. Be gentle."