The word "okay" is on the tip of my tongue.
When the phone rings, I welcome the distraction, but neither of us makes any attempt to answer it. His gaze is intense and disarming. I love it when he looks at me this way. He's standing close enough to kiss me. Do it, Jon. Kiss me.
"Are you going to answer that?" I ask.
"I'm not moving until you give me an answer."
"You didn't ask me a question."
"You're splitting hairs."
I turn away to keep from touching him. What is happening to me? Why does he have this effect on me?
I answer the phone, "Hello. Linder residence."
"Hi, can I speak to Jonathan?"
It's a woman's voice. Not Mrs. Linder. Not Loren.
"May I ask who's calling?"
"This is his girlfriend, Susan."
My heart sinks, and my skin prickles. My stomach turns, and my mouth goes dry.
"Sure," I say. "Can you please hold?"
"Yes, thank you."
"It's for you," I tell Jon, handing him the receiver.
"Who is it?" he asks.
"Your girlfriend," I say dryly.
He smiles, not a slight smile, but a big, wide, white smile. He takes the phone from my clammy hand and mouths a "thank you."
I wipe my hands on the front of my jeans and pick up my glass of lemonade. I take a drink, never taking my eyes off of him.
"Hi, Susan!"
There’s a pause.
"Hey, yeah. Can I call you back?"
Long Pause.
"Yeah, just give me a few minutes."
Even longer pause that grinds on my last nerve.
"I'll call you right back. I promise."
Of course, he promises. Ugh!
I watch as he takes a pen and pad out of a drawer and jots down what I'm sure is her phone number. He tears the piece of paper off the pad and folds it before slipping it into his pocket.
When he hangs up the phone, he turns around and takes two long strides towards me, coming so close I can detect the scent of his cologne.