"What?" I ask.
"That guy was flirting with you," he says.
"He was not," I say. "He was doing his job. Maybe he was a little nicer as a favor to Loren, but he was courteous and professional."
"I know flirting when I see it," he says.
"Oh, really? Is that from mere observation or practiced experience?"
"He was drinking you in with every glance," he says, his tone sounding slightly agitated.
"Drinking me in?" I ask, perplexed. "I don't even know what that means."
"It means that if you were a tall glass of water, you would have quenched his thirst."
"Jon Linder!" I exclaim. "I don't know whether to be flattered or completely insulted by that comment."
"I'm just saying. He was attracted to you, and it didn't go unnoticed."
"Well," I say, "I didn't notice. Plus, I'm not interested, so it doesn't matter."
When we're both in the car, Jon looks at me again. This time, I notice he's the one "drinking me in."
"Have you dated anyone since Jimmy?" His question takes me by surprise.
"No," I say. "The thought has never crossed my mind."
"If this Patrick guy asked you out, would you say yes?"
"Patrick is not my type."
"What is your type?" he asks, his gray eyes trying to read mine.
"I was ten when I met Jimmy. He was my only type."
"Then how do you know Patrick, Pat, Patty back there isn't your type?"
"I just know," I say. "Please stop being rude to the poor guy, and can we change the subject?"
As soon as we walk in the door, the aroma of fresh-baked bread and homemade spaghetti sauce welcomes us. It smells like home, but I quickly remind myself that this is not my home. I shouldn't get too comfortable.
As soon as we walk into the kitchen, I ask, "Can I help you with anything, Mrs. Linder?"
"It's Elizabeth," she corrects me. "You can make a quick salad to go with the lasagna."
"Where's Noah?" asks Jon.
"He's upstairs with your father. He took a short nap and has been running non-stop since he woke up."
"I'll set the table," says Jon.
"Mrs. Linder, can I borrow the phone to call my mom and best friend before dinner? It shouldn't take long."
"Yes, of course," she says. "You can use the phone in the office. Dinner will be ready in about forty minutes."
"Thanks for taking me to the bank," I say, smiling at Jon.