Page 12 of More Than Words

“The lobstah rolls are amazin’, but owah chowdah just won a few awahds this past summah at the local food festival. And the oystah plattah is top-natch.”

Even after living in Boston for nearly a decade, it still took my brain a second to catch up to the New England accent sometimes. Adrian smirked knowingly at my confused expression, sensing I was still trying to translate what she’d said in my head.

“We’ll take two rolls, two cups-a chowdah, and a small oystah plattah to share. Just a wattah to drink,” Adrian ordered without hesitation, dropping seamlessly into his natural accent.

I tried to contain my blush as she walked away, but he’d totally caught me.

“That shoulda been a piece of cake to you by now,” he teased, reaching forward to snag his glass and take a long drink. I watched his throat flex as he swallowed and then averted my eyes to the frozen waterfront outside while he licked the remaining moisture from his top lip.

“What if I don’t like oysters?”

He let out a loud laugh. “Who doesn’t like oysters? They’re like slippery little slices of ambrosia.”

“You probably just like them because they’re supposed to make you horny.”

“Now, who’s the crass one?” Adrian laughed, that annoying smirk out in full force.

“Well, the high zinc content and amino acids found in oysters are supposed to increase your dopamine levels, which increases libido, and I don’t think yours needs any encouragement.”

Luckily, the server returned with our food before I could throw out any more of the fun, useless facts I had crammed into my brain and filled every inch of the surface of our table with amazing-smelling Maine cuisine.

“I’m not sure I even know how to eat an oyster,” I confessed as she walked away.

“That’s half the fun,” Adrian winked, reaching toward the metal platter in the center of the table. He carefully picked up one of the small half-shells, taking a little fork from the side of the platter and slowly running it along the underside of the delicate meat in the center.

“First, you need to be very gentle with them. Oysters are meant to be savored.”

Goosebumps cropped up on the back of my neck at the lowered tone of his voice and how he looked at me through half-lidded eyes. It made me wonder if explaining oyster consumption was turning into some seduction routine. Or the more disturbing thought that this was part of his usual repertoire.

“When you pick one up…” I was mesmerized by the gentleness in his quiet voice as he leaned down and studied the oyster in his fingers. “… be very careful not to tip it. The liquid around the oyster is where half the flavor comes from. It keeps the center juicy, and you know how important it is that the center stays wet.”

Something was involuntarily getting wet at the low tenor of his voice.

“Then you don’t just suck it down like a Neanderthal and swallow, although that method does have its merits.” He winked with a gleam in his eyes.

“Are we still talking about oysters here?”

“Mind in the gutter, Isobel?”

“You know what you’re doing,” I laughed, his enjoyment at my squirming evident in his gaze.

“It’s not my fault you have a dirty mind. I’m just over here trying to savor my lunch.”


“Anyway, as I was saying, before your one-track mind interrupted me…” He brought the shell to his mouth, gently tipping it back and sucking the contents of the oyster into his mouth—humming as his eyes closed briefly. His jaw flexed, chewing once before swallowing, making eye contact with me as he returned the empty shell to the table. “Slowly suck it into your mouth and feel its weight on your tongue. Have it sit there for a moment—letting the flavor flood your palate—and when it explodes, swallow.”

“Sounds like your oyster might be short on the trigger if it explodes after just a moment.”

“Just pick up the oyster, smartass. I’ll help you.” Gently placing one oyster into my hand, Adrian’s warm palm covered the back of my hand as he pressed the tiny fork into my other. “Don’t stab it. Slide the tines underneath the edge of the meat and slowly scrape it loose.”

His larger hands guided mine in gentle movements until I felt the center give.

“Now, close your eyes and open your mouth.” He grinned widely when I frowned at him. “Just trust me for once.”

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and slowly parted my lips, waiting semi-patiently as Adrian lifted our joined hands to place the tip of the shell at my lips.

I swallowed, my mouth suddenly parched.