Chase: Brat.
Emory: Pretty sure you already hold that nickname.
Knowing he would react, I sent him an emoji with its tongue hanging out.
Emory: What have I told you about the tongue?
Chase: Sorry... Sir.
I laughed as I enjoyed our usual banter. Despite being a successful artist, he wasn’t pretentious at all. He wouldn’t engage in the fun back and forth, only when acting as a Dom in a scene.
Then he was intimidating as hell. I’d initially been a little frightened of him, but he’d been clear when we set the ground rules that my safe word put me in ultimate control.
He’d initially let me sit in on his private sessions with his current long-term sub. She was amazingly kind, yet exuded a fairly brash persona when she was outside of his studio.
I would never have taken her for the type to be submissive to anyone, but their chemistry was explosive. I had usually stepped out of the studio once they got to the final act, but her moans carried down the hallway despite the soundproofing. Maybe that’s why my book was over the mildly steamy point and categorized as erotic fiction.
Emory: Revisiting Michael?
Chase: No...
Emory: Intriguing. Are you going to tell me any details?
I wasn’t sure how much Evan wanted me to share with him. Evan didn’t even know I planned to consult with my source again. But I knew that we needed real-life material to draw from.
Chase: I have a writing partner...
Emory: Oh! Shit just got real...
Chase: Simmer down. You can’t scare him off.
Emory: Him? Even better!
And here comes the teasing.
Emory: You hitting that? Are you going to fill me in? I bet he fills you in...
Chase: ...
Emory: Oh, come on!
Emory: You know I don’t like to be kept waiting.
I sat and stared at my phone for a moment and then looked down the hallway toward the door to Evan’s bedroom.
Emory: Is it anyone I’m familiar with?
Chase: His name is Evan.
Emory: That’s all I get?
Chase: ...
Emory: Chase!
Chase: You might recognize him by Evans...
Emory: ...