Page 166 of Foreplay on Words

Kelly started laughing, and I couldn’t help joining in. Sadie clapped, laughing along with us. I’m sure she’d follow some Insta hotties once she was old enough too.

“I don’t even think Evan knows he has an Instagram,” Kelly laughed at her social media inept brother.

“He does. He doesn’t know the password. Adrian manages it for him,” I told her.

“That’s frightening,” she shuddered. “He still hitting on random interns?”

“Actually, we think he’s hooking up with my editor,” I whispered as I leaned toward her.

“Wow. You and Evan are bringing all sorts of people together.” She laughed loudly. “Does Adrian have any other hot interns since it looks like Sam is spoken for?”

I laughed. I couldn’t imagine that Kelly was struggling for male attention, but I did know a certain handsome single guy she might get along with. It was too bad she lived 1,000 miles away. “Not that I know of, but what are your thoughts on tall men with dark hair? And leather pants? Any hesitations about rope?”

“I’m thinking I need to come to visit more,” she smiled widely.

“Me too!” Elle agreed.

“If Elle is coming, so am I,” Miguel nodded.

I laughed as Sadie started clapping again.

“Why don’t you guys let us get through this book tour, and then we can talk about visitors.”

“You’re going to need to build a guest house on all that land you’ve got,” Kelly told me. It wasn’t a bad idea.

“I can draw up some plans if you think Evan would be interested,” Ethan offered.

“Why don’t you people let me get moved in before you start planning expansions,” I shook my head. Although someday, I’d love to have them all come to visit.

“I can design a kitchen for the guest house,” Elle smiled widely. She was a kitchen design consultant for my brother’s architecture firm. They’d had a naughty little coworker affair once upon a time as well.

“Whose guest house?” Evan sat on the ground behind me and reached around me to tickle Sadie’s foot.

She giggled at him and reached out her chubby hands toward him. “Up...up...”

“Yours,” Miguel told him. “We’re all coming to visit.”

I turned and lifted Sadie around to Evan, and he settled her on his lap. “Hey, pretty girl.”

“Da!” Sadie exclaimed, clapping her hands.

“What about me? Am I not your Da anymore?” Ethan pouted as he made a sad face at his daughter.

“Oh, quit being jealous. She calls the guy who delivers the Amazon packages Da, too,” Elle teased.

“Because he’s at my house more than I am.” Ethan gave her a knowing look.

“Since when are we building a guest house?” Evan laughed as Sadie leaned in and gave him slobbery kisses on his cheek. The girl had good taste.

“Since our pushy siblings insisted they needed to come and visit,” I shrugged.

“We’re going to need somewhere to stay once the baby comes. Your house is too small,” Kelly told him with a straight face.

“Baby...” Evan coughed as he looked between his sister and me with wide eyes.

“She’s kidding. There is no baby,” I shook my head.

“Yet,” Miguel laughed.