“And then what happens?” Levi asked. “What happens when she has to decide between the two of you and the other one gets pissed? Are you two gonna let a woman come between you?”
“Maybe it won’t come to that,” Tucker said. He looked at me. “She said she likes us both, right?” After I nodded, he continued, “Maybe she won’t have to choose. If she’s open to it, I’d be willing to share her.”
“Shit. Really?” I hadn’t even thought of that. All three of us had shared a few of the club sluts. It wasn’t uncommon. But I hadn’t even considered it with Evie. “You think she’d do it?”
Tucker shrugged. “I think it’d be wrong to underestimate Evelyn Hayes.”
I nodded. “All right. If we have a chance to talk to her about it, then we do, but we gotta make sure she knows that we’re not going to be assholes if she says no. I only want her if she’s willing.”
“Me too,” Tucker said.
I guessed that settled things then. We were going to do this.
Chapter Twelve
Four days. That’s how long the Bradshaw brothers had been “protecting” me, and if something didn’t change soon, I wasn’t going to need protection because I’d be in jail for murdering one of them. Probably the hulking brute glowering from the corner where he’d parked himself the moment we entered the bridal boutique.
What was really strange was, despite the fact that he clearly hated having to watch out for me, Levi had been following me pretty much nonstop since yesterday morning. I didn’t know if it was because he was pissed Mason let me drink, or if he’d heard about me fooling around with Mason and Tucker, but it definitely wasn’t because he wanted to be near me.
He’d been his usual sarcastic asshole self pretty much every time he opened his mouth. When his mom was around, I at least got a break from that, but he still glared at me like I’d done something to offend him.
“Evie, what do you think about these shoes?” Jenna asked.
I turned my attention back to her, where it should’ve already been. I was here for her and Levi could go fuck himself.
“Let me see.” I took the shoe and studied it more closely than I really needed to. “I like this one better than the other one. If you want me in something that high, I’m going to need this thick of a heel or I’ll end up falling on my face and probably flashing everybody, since you’re also insisting on strapless dresses for the bridesmaids.”
A growling sound came from Levi’s corner.
“You all right over there, big brother?” Jenna asked, the sweetest smile on her face. “Do you want to weigh in on Evie’s heels? Don’t you think these are going to look great on her? Show off those legs.”
An image suddenly flashed through my mind. Levi kneeling in front of me and taking off those heels. His hands sliding up my calf to my knee, and then higher…
Nope. I wasn’t going there. My feelings were already conflicted enough with my attraction to Mason and Tucker. I didn’t need to add the one Bradshaw brother who’d never shown the slightest interest in me.
His kiss in front of Randall didn’t count.
“He doesn’t care about my legs, Jenna. Let’s just focus on why we’re here.”
“Right.” Jenna smirked at me. “You do know that your face is bright red, right?”
“Leave the poor girl alone,” Sue said. She patted my shoulder. “I’m sorry my children aren’t better behaved.”
The ring of my phone saved me from having to figure out how to respond without thinking about how “well-behaved” her other children had been with me.
“Sorry, I have to get this,” I said. “It’s my mom.”
I ignored the surprise on everyone’s faces as I grabbed my phone from my purse and headed for the far side of the store to have at least a semblance of privacy.
“Hey, Mom.”
“Evelyn Hayes?”
The man’s voice sent a flood of adrenaline coursing through me. “Who are you? Why do you have my mom’s phone?”
“I’m sorry. My name is Detective Newman. Am I speaking with Evelyn Hayes?”