I hoped she was right, but I wasn’t about to wait for it. I didn’t need the government to acknowledge what we were to each other. I just needed the people we loved to see it.
“Ready?” Isabel asked.
I nodded as the butterflies in my stomach gave a little flutter of anticipation. I didn’t have even a hint of nerves as we left the room that had become mine and headed for the main room of the clubhouse. We were in the process of building a house for the four of us on the property, but for right now, all of our rooms were either across the hall or next door to each other and that would work just fine. Nothing about this was conventional, after all.
As I came down the last step and saw what was waiting for me, my heart caught in my throat. Not only were all of the Thunder Riders—including Sweeper—and the old ladies there, but Sue Bradshaw sat right at the front next to Nona, who’d insisted on staying in Bedford until the ceremony. She’d been telling anyone who’d listen that she was responsible for all of this, and I wasn’t about to contradict her. What I hadn’t expected was the rest of Isabel’s family to be there. Her parents and brothers didn’t exactly look comfortable, but the fact that they were supporting us when I knew this didn’t make sense to them meant volumes.
“You have family,” Jenna whispered as she squeezed my hand. “Always.”
I waited until she and Isabel took their seats next to Sue before I made my way over to where the guys stood. There was no wedding march, no attendants or fancy decorations. The guys wore nice jeans and tight black t-shirts with their cuts while I was wearing a simple, but pretty, baby-blue dress that showed off all my best features. Hardly what I’d pictured my wedding to look like.
It was so much better than I could’ve imagined, and it was all because of my men and the love in their eyes when I took my place in front of them.
Judge was waiting there. Usually, if an old lady wanted a ceremony of some kind, the club president would do it, but since Levi was one of the ones involved, the four of us had asked Judge if he’d do the honors.
“We’ve never been ones to follow tradition,” Judge began. “But this is a new one for us. Claiming an old lady isn’t something we take lightly, and having three of our brothers choosing to share one says that this young lady is a special one.”
“Damn straight she is,” Nona said in what I was sure was supposed to be a quiet comment to Isabel.
A ripple of amusement went through the group, and my heart swelled with emotion. Laughter and love. That’s what I wanted for the rest of my life, and that’s what I’d have thanks to these people.
“Levi, Mason, and Tucker Bradshaw, you’ve chosen to make a claim on Evelyn Hayes. With that claim, do you promise to love and honor her in the way you saw your father love and honor your mother?”
I heard Sue catch a breath, and I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye. Since we weren’t doing things traditionally, the guys and I had told Judge a few things we wanted him to say.
“I do,” Levi said firmly.
“Forever.” Mason’s fingers brushed against the small of my back.
“Damn right,” Tucker added.
“And do the three of you promise to protect her with everything you are, putting her before everyone and everything else?”
“Every day for the rest of my life.” Levi’s voice was steady, without a hint of hesitation.
“Fuck yes.” Mason’s answer got another round of chuckles.
“Always.” Tucker reached out to lightly touch my arm.
Judge looked at me. “Evelyn Hayes, for some reason, you’ve decided to take on the burden of not one, not two, but all three Bradshaw brothers. Three of the best Thunder Riders, the best men, I’ve ever known. Do you promise to love them even when they fuck things up—because they will—and give them the support they need to be the good men they are?”
“Yes.” I kept it simple, knowing the lump in my throat wasn’t going to allow for much in the way of words.
“And do you promise to patch them up when they get hurt, and give ’em a good thump in the head when they do something stupid?”
I laughed and nodded. “Yes.”
“Anyone here got anything to add?” Judge looked around the room.
I knew I wasn’t the only one waiting for Nona to say something, but to our surprise, she didn’t.
“All right then,” Judge said. “Since I ain’t no preacher and we don’t got any paperwork or shit like that to sign, let’s just give these four some congratulations and get to the food and the booze.”
We made it a whole thirty minutes before Levi finally muttered “fuck it” and scooped me up in his arms. I burst out laughing, my face burning as cheers broke out. I pressed my face against his shoulder, letting him carry me up to his room as Tucker and Mason followed. We wouldn’t always sleep in the same room, but for tonight, the four of us wanted to be together and Levi was the only one who had a bed even remotely big enough.
By the time Levi set me on my feet, the door was closed and locked, and it was the four of us together again.
“Before we start anything,” Mason said, “are you sure you’re good with what we talked about?”