Page 40 of Ride or Dies


“You good to ride?” Levi asked Mason as the three of us left Evie in my room.

My gut told me she was more pissed off than she was letting on, but we couldn’t take the time to try to get her to talk to us. Besides, action was always better than just talking.

“I’m good,” Mason said. “I’ll add an extra bandage when I grab my leathers.”

“I’m gonna let Judge and Sweeper know what’s going on,” Levi said. “With everything going on with the Cobras, we need to be on alert.”

“You sure you want to come with us?” I asked. “If you need to deal with Quinn and the Cobras, Mason and I can handle Becca James, even if she does have someone with her.”

“You didn’t seem like you handled her all that well before,” he said.

“I was trying to be polite then.” My face heated. “That’s not going to be a problem now.”

“So Evie was okay once you explained things?”

His question had a careful kinda tone to it, which was weird for my oldest brother, but I got it. This thing with Evie was different for all of us, and he’d always been the worst of us when it came to feelings.

“I made it pretty clear that I’ve wanted her for a while,” I said. “But I think that Randall asshole did a number on her self-esteem.”

“We should’ve kicked his ass when we had the chance,” Levi said before veering off to talk to the guys.

I headed out to our bikes to make sure we were gassed up and good to go. I doubted Becca had left the hotel where I found her, but if she had, we wouldn’t want to waste time getting gas. By the time I’d used our spare gas cans to top us all off, Levi and Mason were ready too and we got on the road.

Mayfair wasn’t far, but the three of us were pissed off enough that the ride ended up being shorter than before. I didn’t bother going into the lobby to ask if Becca was still checked in, instead leading my brothers around to the room she’d been in before.

“How do you wanna play this?” I asked Levi as we got off our bikes.

“You knock,” he said. “Tell her you have more questions or something like that. Once she opens the door, we push our way in and don’t let her leave until we get answers.”

“And if she decides to scream and get someone in a neighboring room to call the cops?” Mason asked. “What’s the plan then?”

“Then whoever’s closest to her grabs her and we get the hell outta here,” Levi growled. “We can question her at the clubhouse if we have to, but I’d rather do it here.”

“Let’s do this,” I said, walking up to the door. I knocked, waiting to see if she’d answer without me saying anything.

Sure enough, I heard the door being unlocked and the chain removed, but the person who opened the door wasn’t Becca James.

“It’s just twenty-four even, right? I only have twenty-five, but you can keep the…” Randall Downs’ voice trailed off as he looked up from his wallet, his eyes growing wide and his jaw dropping.

“What the hell?” I said.

“Randy, honey, can you ask…” Becca froze in place behind Downs. “Tucker, what are you doing here?” Her attempt at casual sucked.

“We need to talk,” I said, putting my hand on Randall’s chest and pushing him back into the room.

He walked backwards and Becca did the same, if only to keep from being run over. The color drained from their faces as they looked behind me and saw my brothers coming in too. When the door was closed and locked, Randall’s legs gave out and he sat heavily on the edge of the bed.

A bed, I noticed, that was a hell of lot messier than it had been when I left. The entire room was messier, actually. Clothes everywhere. And based on the fact that Randall was only in a pair of wrinkled boxers and Becca had a robe on, her hair wet, it wasn’t too hard to guess what the two of them had been doing.

“Were you here before?” I asked Randall. “When I was here talking to Becca, were you hiding in the bathroom or something?”

“No.” He straightened, like he was trying to look dignified, but it was hard to do that when his underwear had pickles all over it. Pickles with what looked like faces.

“You got here right after, then,” I said, crossing my arms as I loomed over him. “But she knew you were coming. This was a planned meeting, not an accident, right?”

Randall glanced at Becca, like he needed help figuring out what to say.