“Let me see you come on my cock.” He bent his head and nipped at my jaw. “Make that fantasy come true for me.”
I didn’t know if it was the order he gave, the sensation of that small bite, or the idea that I was giving him something he’d wanted for a long time, but whatever it was, it worked.
I screamed his name, my entire body tensing as electric pleasure shot through every nerve and cell. My pussy tightened around his cock and he groaned my name. As he pressed his face to the side of my neck, I felt him pulse inside me, his hips jerking as he came. And when he collapsed on top of me, I wrapped my arms and legs around him, holding him as we rode out our climaxes together before floating back down to earth.
Holy shit.
If this was what it was like to have them one-on-one, I didn’t know how I’d survive taking on two of them at the same time, let alone all three.
But I was definitely looking forward to finding out.
Chapter Twenty
For a minute, I thought I was stuck in a sex dream, and then I thought it was a memory from my time with Evie. It wasn’t until my brain processed that the sounds were actually coming from across the hall rather than my own head that I realized someone was having sex in Tucker’s room. And unless a Rider was so drunk that they’d stumbled into the wrong room with an equally drunk slut, it had to be my brother and Evie.
I was smiling as I opened my eyes, even though I was in bed alone. I’d had some of the best sex of my life and then fell asleep with Evie in my arms. I wasn’t going to begrudge Tucker his turn with her, especially since I knew he’d had a crush on her for years.
Stretching carefully, I took stock of how I was feeling. The stitches pulled a bit, and I was going to need to be careful for a few days if I got into any fights or anything, but Lara had done a good job patching me up. I had some bruises, but nothing worth thinking about. In fact, right now, my most pressing matter was that I had to take a piss.
After I did that and grabbed some clothes, I left my room and headed for the main part of the clubhouse to find the brother who wasn’t currently fucking our girl.
I couldn’t help grinning at that. Our girl. I liked the way it sounded.
A handful of Riders were in the main room when I came in, but everyone looked relaxed, which was definitely a good thing after the shit Quinn had pulled. I wanted revenge—I’d been fucking shot, after all—but there was something to be said for using our heads and not flying off and doing something stupid.
“Levi in his office?” I asked Sweeper.
He nodded. “You need any shit for that?” He gestured to my side. “I got some pills leftover from when I took that spill before Christmas. Should still be good.”
I shook my head. “It’s not too bad, but if that changes, I’ll come see you.”
Most of us here weren’t fans of heavy-duty painkillers, because the only thing stupider than riding a bike after too many beers was riding while fucked up on meds. Sweeper’s accident had sent a piece of metal straight through his calf, tearing the shit out of it, so no one had blinked at him taking a prescription, but even then he’d only been on them a couple days. Based on how messed up the scar was, his injury had been a hell of a lot worse than mine.
I was almost to the hallway that’d take me to Levi’s office when Rikki put herself in my path.
“I can help take your mind off the pain just as good as any drugs,” she said, giving me a sultry smile. “How about you take me back to your room and I can play nurse?”
I smiled at her, but made sure it wasn’t even a little flirty. “Thanks for the offer, but I need to talk to my brother.”
She stepped closer and reached out like she was going to touch me. I caught her hand instead, but she didn’t look at all put out about it.
“I can go wait for you. Maybe even get started so you have something fun to think about.” She licked her lips. “Course, Levi’s always welcome too.”
“I don’t—”
“I could come to his office with you,” she interrupted, an edge of desperation to her words now. “I don’t need a bed. I can take care of both of you wherever you want.”
I let go of her hand and took a step back. “Neither one of us is interested, Rikki. Why don’t you go see if Sweeper wants to have some fun?”
Rikki’s expression tightened, but she just nodded and walked away, her ass barely covered by her tiny skirt, her heels so high I didn’t know how she walked in them. I’d fucked her before—at least I thought I had—but absolutely nothing about what I was seeing made me want to do it again.
No, my interest was firmly on a curvy blonde with a sexy voice.
But right now, she wasn’t who I needed to see either. I might’ve been out of commission last night, but as the head of club security, I needed Levi to catch me up on what I’d missed and what came next for us.
Levi’s office door was open, and I could see him at his desk, looking more tired than I’d ever seen him. Some of that was because of me, and as I knocked on the door, I hoped that seeing me on my feet and ready to go would help.