Page 36 of Ride or Dies

“There you are,” he said, pulling his hand away. “I don’t mind sharing, and it might be hot at some point to talk about the sort of things we’d like to see or do, but for right now, for my first time with you, I don’t want anyone else in the room.”

I nodded, reaching out to catch his hand. “Just you and me right now.”

He squeezed my hand, then let it go, reaching instead for his cock. I watched as he wrapped his fingers around it, moving his fist from base to tip, twisting in an absent sort of way.

“You gonna stare all morning?” I teased.

“Just want to take a minute to make sure I have this picture burned into my brain,” he said. “You don’t know how many times I dreamed about having you spread out like this.”

Suddenly, I remembered something he said when he’d gone down on me, how it was something he’d wanted for a long time.

“Dreamed?” I asked, running a finger down between my breasts. “Or…fantasized?”

“Oh, darlin’, you have no idea.”

Wow. I hadn’t known that Kentucky drawl would go so deep when he was turned on. Just one more thing that made him smoking hot.

A shout from the hallway reminded us that we weren’t in our own private bubble. No one was calling for us, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t be soon enough. And I definitely didn’t want this to be interrupted.

Tucker must’ve been thinking along the same lines, because there were no more witty comments as he lowered himself over me, his narrow hips fitting perfectly between my spread legs. He propped himself up on one arm and reached between us, positioning himself right where we both wanted him to be. His eyes locked onto mine and he slid into place with one long, smooth stroke that stretched me open around him.

With very little foreplay, I was wet, but tight, and despite how badly I wanted this, I was grateful for his patience. The pinch and burn of adapting to something new in my body was just enough that it didn’t cross into actual discomfort, just that strange feeling that came with a joining of two bodies. A fullness that wasn’t entirely physical.

By the time he stopped moving, his breathing was ragged and I could see the strain on his face, but he stayed there, seated so deep inside me that if I wrote a song about it, I’d say he was touching my soul. When my muscles quit quivering and my body said to go, I wrapped my legs around his waist, resting my heels on the backs of his thighs, and used the leverage to rock up against him.

He groaned, quickly muffling the sound by covering my mouth with his. As his tongue pushed between my lips, he began to thrust into me, each one as deep as the first, though not quite as slow. I let my hands move over everything I could reach, tracing tattoos and just savoring the feel of the muscles flexing under my palms.

And they were definitely flexing.

The man seemed to be using every muscle in his body. His tongue teasing mine. His legs giving him what he needed to drive that wonderful cock into me over and over. His arms holding him up so he wasn’t putting too much weight on me. A hand on the side of my neck with his thumb pressed just under my jaw, as if he needed to keep me there.

I bit at his bottom lip, loving the way his rhythm faltered for a second before he surged forward again, this time faster and harder. Breaking the kiss, I locked my hands behind his neck and forced his eyes to mine.

“More,” I demanded. “I’m not going to break.”

He raised an eyebrow, but didn’t argue with me. What he did was reach down and hook my leg over his arm, pulling it up until I gasped, The stretch in my leg muscles, combining with the way it let him go impossibly deeper, made spots dance in front of my eyes. It was pain and pleasure in a new way, and I loved him for not questioning whether or not I could take it.

The change in angle also had the tip of his cock rubbing against what I could only assume was my G-spot with every stroke, and the base of his shaft pressing against my clit each time he bottomed out.

Our breathing changed as he began to pound into me, each breath mingling the air from our lungs as we panted, desperate for oxygen that we couldn’t quite get fast enough. With my body contorted into an unnatural position and most of my control over what we were doing gone, I felt as if I was hovering over my body, racing toward a release that would completely shatter me. I’d felt a hint of that feeling before, with Levi and then again with Mason, but this felt like something final was clicking into place.

Like I needed all three of them for us to be fully complete.

Maybe I was reading too much into it. Maybe all the chemicals coursing through my system were clouding my brain, the pleasure making my mind hazy. Whatever the reason, I let myself feel it, needing it right now to ground me, to give me a respite from the chaos and uncertainty around me.

This was certain. The way Tucker was looking down at me as he relentlessly pushed us toward orgasm. How Levi had remembered my favorite breakfast. That Mason was going to heal without any lasting damage. These three men, in asking to share me, were giving me a bedrock that I desperately needed.

At least for now.

I wasn’t going to ruin things by looking too far ahead. I was just going to enjoy what they offered. The strange stability that I wouldn’t have imagined I’d find in a trio of bikers who’d spent most of our time together making me miserable.

And, of course, I planned on enjoying the hell out of their bodies.

Tucker’s fingers plucked at one of my nipples, sending a little extra jolt through me and putting me that much closer to the explosion I could feel coming. It was almost like every cell in my body was vibrating faster and faster, just waiting for that last nudge.

“Come for me, Evie.”

The authority in Tucker’s voice wasn’t something I’d expected from him, but damn if it didn’t get me in all the right places.