“Oh, I plan to do that too.” His finger and thumb plucked at my nipple.
My thigh muscles were beginning to burn, but I was close to the edge. I just needed a little more to give me that push.
“But you know what I wanna do first?” He stuck his middle finger in his mouth, then dropped his hand behind me.
He slid his finger between my cheeks and I startled, but before I could ask what he was doing, I felt the tip of that digit press against my asshole, and I froze.
“When I’m all healed, I’m gonna take your ass, Evie-girl,” he promised. “And one day, you’re gonna learn what it really means for us to share you.”
A shiver went through me, and it definitely wasn’t from fear. The smile that curved Mason’s lips said he knew it, too.
“But for right now…”
With one arm around my waist, he was able to hold me tight against him, grinding up into me, rubbing against my clit hard enough that I could barely breathe. Pain and pleasure blurred, shooting me straight to the peak but failing to tip me over. I hung there, the synapses in my brain misfiring as they tried to figure out what the hell was happening. Then, just as it became too much, I felt a new pressure somewhere there’d never been pressure before. Mason shoved his finger past that tight ring of muscle, and I came so hard that my vision went white.
Chapter Seventeen
After Lara told me that Mason was going to be fine and Evie was in his room with him, Tucker closed the door to my office and plopped down on the couch I’d shoved against one of the walls. I stayed behind my desk, but propped my feet on it and leaned back in my chair.
“Evie convinced her mom to go to rehab,” Tucker said as he pulled his laptop out of his bag. “So that’s one less thing we have to worry about.”
“I wasn’t planning on worrying about Trudy Hayes,” I said. “Between this shit with Evie, the Cobras causing trouble, and Jenna’s wedding, I got plenty on my plate.”
“About Evie—” Tucker began.
“You already texted me about you two talking about us sharing her,” I said. “She’s probably fucking Mason right now, so we’ll see what happens after that. No need to talk it to death.”
My little brother gave me a knowing grin and I flipped him off. He returned the gesture and booted up his computer.
“I was actually going to say that I had a chance to do some digging into what’s going on with Evie, and I might have a lead,” he said.
I didn’t bother asking if he’d found the information legally or not. Yeah, I wanted the Riders to get into more legit stuff, but we weren’t ever gonna be choir boys. We’d take a stand on the things that mattered, like trafficking and drugs, and try to avoid the sort of shit that’d get us jail time, like stealing cars and selling the parts. Tucker was good enough at what he did that he wouldn’t get caught, and he only used his skills for good. Like finding out who’d been harassing Evie.
Or transferring money from a local white supremacist group to the NAACP.
I didn’t think I’d ever been prouder of him than when he told me about that.
“What’s the lead?” I asked, glad to have something to focus on that didn’t have me thinking about what, exactly, Mason and Evie were doing.
It was one thing to see another guy’s dick when you were sharing a girl, but it was something else to get a hard-on when you and your brother were supposed to be talking business.
“Becca James.”
“Who the fuck is Becca James?” I asked.
“A journalist.” After a moment, he added, “Well, maybe that’s being a little too generous. She’s paparazzi.”
“What does she have to do with Evie?” I asked, my patience stretching thin.
“She’s a gossip columnist in Nashville who writes for whatever news outlet—and I use that term loosely—will pay her,” Tucker explained. He turned his laptop so I could see the picture on the screen.
Becca James looked like she was a little older than me, with dark hair and severe-looking features. She wasn’t ugly, but she definitely wasn’t in Evie’s league looks-wise.
“What I’ve found so far is a dislike of Evie that borders on hatred.”
I pulled my feet off my desk and sat up straighter, surprised by the intensity of emotion that went through me. It was more than just wanting to fuck Evie, or wanting to protect her because men who hurt women were the worst sort of cowards. This was being pissed because someone just didn’t like her.