Neither of us were enjoying the way Ares was watching Raevyn. She was ours and if he didn’t stop skimming his eyes down her curves, I wasn’t going to hold Deimos back. In fact, God or no God, I’d probably gauge his eyes out myself.

I caught Hawk watching me with a smile on his face, as if he knew exactly what I was thinking. He probably did. I knew Moroi had impressive mind powers and with Hawk being one of the original Moroi I bet he didn’t have any trouble sneaking into my mind to discover what I was thinking. And judging by that wide smile, I sensed he approved my violent thoughts. His whole severe face was alive with that fucking smile. It was the worst smile I’d ever seen on his face – and I’d unfortunately noticed a few. Sexy, seductive, a little bit twisted. It was terrible. It really was. It made me feel sick and lightheaded and like I wanted to smack it right off his striking face. And the worst thing about it? I wasn’t a hundred percent sure I hated it.

Hawk’s grin widened even more. Fucking bastard. He was definitely snooping around in my mind, and it didn’t seem to bother me as much as I thought it would. Maybe that had something to do with Deimos being a resident in there. I was already used to someone snooping.

“You know,” Hawk said in his low drawl, “if I didn’t know better, I would say you were curious about me.”

“You’d be wrong,” I returned, hoping he didn’t hear the quiver in my voice because the truth was, I was curious about him. About where he’d disappeared to when he’d been exiled the first time. About what made him tick, how he functioned, what he fed on and when. I knew him years ago, back when he was violent and full of rage. He’d intrigued me then, but now that he was back and somewhat calmer, I think I was starting to become a little obsessed. Wouldn’t tell him that though. I’d never hear the end of it.

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” he purred right by ear.

When the fuck did he get so close? I was so wrapped up in my own head, that I didn’t even hear the big guy fall into step right beside me. Jeez, I was fucked. At least where he was concerned.

And what was up with the shiver that ran deliciously up my spine at the sound of his voice right by my ear? Nope. I was going to ignore that. just like I ignored most things. Surely it would go—

Pain lanced through my shoulder as I was pushed roughly through a door. “Hey!”

There was the unmistakable sound of a lock clicking into place and when I managed to gather my thoughts, I turned to find Hawk staring at me with heat in his eyes.

“Hawk, let me go.”

“No, vulpe.”

“What about the others?” If I weren’t there, would Ares try something with Raevyn? Would –

Hawk flicked the centre of my forehead with his finger. “Focus on me. On now.”

My thoughts immediately centred on him.

“Good boy.”

I growled at him, and I was sure I snarled a little too. It just made that smile I didn’t hate curl his plump mouth. I couldn’t stop staring at his mouth. It was perfect. Plump, fleshy lips and a sharp cupid’s bow.

A wildness pumped through my veins, and I felt dizzy with how close he was. I looked at him, holding his gaze and the most honest words I think I’ve ever said tumbled from my lips. “With Raevyn, I know exactly where I stand but you… You terrify me, Hawk.”

He stepped closer to me, something softening in his gaze even as he walked me backwards, cornering me against the bathroom sink. His hands cupped my face, and I sensed Deimos retreating to the back of my mind. Hawk’s fingers were rough against my skin, but they were tender in their touch. I thought he’d have been rough and aggressive, but it completely threw me that he was so gentle with me.

His amber eyes darkened as he leant closer and his hair fell around me like a curtain, blocking out the real world and making me focus on the man in front of me.

My eyes closed and I expected his lips to touch mine, but he kissed my eyes, my cheeks, the length of my jaw. A sharp breath left my lips, and it was only then, when my lips were parted, that he finally pressed his mouth to mine. It was the lightest of touches, and it was agonising. It set my body alight, and I knew he was giving me the chance to run, which again was something I didn’t expect from him. My head was full of him, his scent his taste, the way he felt beneath my fingers.

But I didn’t want soft or tender. I was ready to jump in headfirst.

I surged forwards, thrusting my hands into his hair and demanding that he claimed my mouth. And fuck, did he answer.

He growled deep into my mouth and forced his tongue past my lips. His fangs brushed against my bottom lip and my hips bucked at the sharp sting, seeking friction against something, anything that would give my aching dick some kind of release.

“You need help with that, vulpe?” Hawk hummed against my lips, his hand trailing down my chest towards the top of my trousers. He waited for me, showing me a grace that I hadn’t expected. But I didn’t need it. I knew what I wanted, and what I wanted was him.

I groaned, unable to stop myself from grinding against him, loving that he was just as turned on as I was. Hawk’s hands trailed down my back and cupped my ass. His hands felt so fucking good. He smelled so good. I wanted to will my body to breathe, just to hold the scent of him in my lungs.

“Give me your words, vulpe,” Hawk whispered as his fingers worked their way around the band of my trousers. “Do you want me to touch you?”

I had no idea what I was doing. It was completely unchartered territory, every touch from him igniting something new and exciting. It was terrifying, but on some level, felt completely, one hundred percent right.

“Yes. Touch me, Hawk. I need—Fuck.”

I collided my lips with his, crossing that last barrier of restraint in my mind. It was my turn to take control. I thrust my tongue deep into his mouth, sucking on his tongue and exploring his mouth with hunger.