“You seem pretty bound and determined to convince me of that. Or maybe you’re just trying to convince yourself?” I said, getting braver with my questioning as we wound our way to the front circle.
“There you are.”
A valet ran up to us, not giving Rylan a chance to answer me. A little older than her, he was built like a brick shithouse and probably a lot stronger than me.
Getting up close and personal with the blond beauty next to me, he huffed out, “Was worried. You never came back for your water after your run, or to get your coffee—”
He stopped short, finally noticing me standing there.
Hey, he might be more muscular, but that didn’t intimidate me. Pushing my shoulders back, I stood tall, eyeing him right back.
“Tony, please don’t worry. I’m a big girl. Plus, I was out rescuing guests,” Rylan said, gesturing to me.
He moved his gaze back to her, boring into her eyes. “Ry, don’t do that. Don’t put on your tough act with me.”
“I’m fine. We just stopped by Sam’s and got a coffee. No big deal.”
Feeling awkward, I stood there holding my empty coffee cup as they carried on.
Abruptly, Tony turned and stared at me. “By the way, who are you?”
“Tony, he’s a guest, like I already said.” Rylan’s gaze bounced between Tony and me. “This is Adam. He got turned around on his run, and I helped him find his way back.”
“Yes, thankfully,” I said. “I happened to see Rylan and she was kind enough to bring me back to the hotel. Thanks again,” I told her before walking away.
I wasn’t one to normally give up on anything, but it was time I removed myself from this triangle before it actually became one. Clearly, this dude felt like he had some kind of claim on Rylan, and maybe he did. She hadn’t been very forthcoming with me, and maybe this had all happened for the best.
After all, I was here to heal, not to get involved in something that could bring me more heartache.
“Adam, it’s Cal. Call me back. Mrs. Brody isn’t happy with her settlement, and she won’t sign the paperwork. I know you’re away, but I need you to flash your pearly whites on FaceTime and get her to agree.”
I listened to the message from my brother before getting in the shower. Waiting to call him back, I stepped under the spray of the water to rinse off the sweat and shame after my run.
Rylan was right. I’d basically stalked her and then pushed my agenda on her when she was obviously involved with the valet, which made sense. What didn’t make sense was her hooking up with a lawyer from Michigan, no matter how deep his pockets were.
I stayed underneath the water longer than usual, hoping to emerge with a fresh attitude. It’s a shame the tactic didn’t work when it came to Becca, but I had a feeling the scars left behind from her would never be entirely washed away.
Dressed in board shorts, I ordered brunch and sat down to work while I waited.
I decided to call Cal and wait for my room service before dealing with Mrs. Brody. For a Midwestern society woman, she was never happy. She made some of the barracudas Cal worked with look mild.
“How’s paradise?” Cal said, picking up after the first ring.
“Eh. It’s like I’m on a honeymoon but all by myself. No one to share the fruit platter with or to co-paddle the kayak.”
“Have you been sitting in your room? Because you can do that at home, you know.”
“No, I haven’t,” I lied. Reminding myself blood bonded us more so than others, I asked my ass of a brother, “Why are you calling me?”
“Because this client doesn’t like me. Remember, she called me too aggressive. She only listens to you.”
“She’s kind of right. Sometimes, I can’t believe you grew up in Michigan.”
Cal chuckled. “Just because New York suits me, don’t hate me. Plus, my hard-ass attitude and the city I reside in pads your pockets.”
That it did.