A chuckle rose up my throat, but I silenced it. My control was cracking the longer I kept my hand idle and if I didn’t move or left, I was going to do something worse I’d most certainly regret.
“I don’t, but that idiot in my head will start shouting again and that’s annoying.” I found myself saying. “So I’ll ask one more time.” I grazed my teeth over the soft part of her neck before biting into her flesh. She cried out, her legs tightening around my hand. “Do you want me to—”
“Yes,” she whispered before I could even finish. One single word, yet it dripped with so much need, I had to take a moment to compose myself. What was wrong with me? Were Cyrus’ feelings so strong I couldn’t control myself again?
‘Don’t blame me for this one,’ Cyrus muttered. ‘Now do as you promised. Maybe you’ll get your answer then.’
I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before thrusting my fingers into her pussy once again. My other hand found her throat, holding her tightly against my chest. Her moaning grew louder as she pressed against my hand. I leaned my face to her neck, teasing her until she was a trembling mess in my arms. My own cock was throbbing so much, it took all of my concentration not to bend her over the table and fuck the hell out of that warm, wet hole of hers.
She rubbed her ass against my dick again and I groaned, but the sound disappeared in the echo of her scream. Her pussy tightened around my fingers when she came and even as her legs shook, she kept riding them, prolonging her orgasm until my own body was screaming for release.
Fuck, the things I would have given to fuck her at that moment…
‘Do it,’ Cyrus whispered, his voice wistful and just as labored as mine would have been if I had tried to speak.
The fog cleared with his words, and I opened my eyes. ‘No,’ I snarled, my body tensing while I pushed away the damning emotions that fueled the fire in my veins. ‘Not her.’
Celeste slumped in my arms and I tightened my grip before she crumbled to the floor. I considered letting her. I wasn’t comfortable being this close to her and I most certainly wasn’t the cuddling kind, but there was something in the way she leaned on me that made me hold on.
When she finally came down from her high and moved to sit straighter in my lap, I pushed her off. I needed to put some distance between our bodies or… there were too many things tying me to her, I didn’t need one more.
I wasn’t sure what I expected to see on her face when she turned around, but it most definitely wasn’t loathing. I was so stunned that I didn’t even see her hand move before my cheek started to sting.
“This is the last time… you touch me without permission!” she snarled through heavy pants.
Rage exploded inside of me, tearing through the stupor, and I jumped to my feet.
“I asked…” I bared my teeth at her, but she shoved me back so hard, I stumbled onto the table.
“That wasn’t asking for permission, asshole!” she hissed. “You know we witches can’t control ourselves when we get into that haze!” I opened my mouth to tell her that wasn’t my problem, but she raised her hand like she planned to strike me again. “If you want to touch me, you fucking ask! I know it’s a difficult concept for your brain to grasp, but I’m sure Cyrus can explain it to you!”
I started toward her, ready to tell her she didn’t get to order me around when she took a step back. It was a small one, barely a few inches, but it made me stop just the same. The look of defiance in her eyes never wavered, her chin raised and hands at her side.
“Fine,” I sneered, kicking the chair aside so I could go past her without actually nearing her. “I only fucking did it to stabilize your magic and…” Her expression straightened, the anger draining from her eyes as she gave me a deadpanned look. “You know what? Fuck this!”
I stomped past her, itching to get out so I could find some hellish creature to tear limb from limb until the murderous urge passed when she spoke.
“I figured it out.”
I considered ignoring her, but her tone wasn’t mocking, so I stopped even before Cyrus could tell me to. I didn’t turn, I didn’t particularly want to look at her face right now.
“What?” I snapped instead.
“How to pass the second trial.”
Well, that was enough to change my mind. Spinning on my heel, I searched for her, only to find her leaning on the table with her arms crossed.
“You… figured it out?Right… now?” I narrowed my eyes, letting her see all of my disbelief.
She rolled her eyes. “Well, now that… I can think properly, the answer is pretty obvious.” I ground my teeth, holding back a retort when she added, “We need a third person.”
Disappointment made my frustration return with full force. “If you are thinking of using another infernal creature, you can’t. The moment they step into the trial, the princes can control them.”
“That’s not what I meant. We’ll need someone from above.”
“I can take in Hell only those who are dead or don’t have a soul.” I snarled, my patience growing paper-thin. “And you, because your life is tied to me.”
“I know,” she said curtly. “That’s why you are going to get Roman here. He is the piece that we’re missing. He will get us through the second trial…” She pushed herself off the table, striding past me until she was close enough to open the door. “...and into the third.” The ward sent a warning to my body, but she didn’t try to leave, just stared at me while the sounds of Hell entered the space. “Like it or not, you need me. So, for both our sakes, let’s win this fucking trial and never see each other again.”