Page 52 of The Fearless Witch

“What…” Cyrus cleared his throat, shifting in his seat nervously. I blinked a few times, startled by how unchanged everything was around me, even though it felt like my insides had been fundamentally rearranged. “What can I do for you to forgive me? I can’t die, but if hurting me would make you feel better…”

Before I could stop myself, I laughed. The sound came out a little off and slightly hysterical, but when he gave me a concerned look, I laughed again. The difference between the two of them was so staggering, I couldn’t bring myself to hate this man even if I would have gladly punched Beleth with a knife in the face. But hurting Cyrus… it would have brought no comfort at all. He was innocent, just like… I had been many times before.

“I don’t think your evil side would be too happy about that,” I sighed, putting the tray with the remaining food on the other side of the bed. My throat was so tight, I wasn’t sure I could swallow another bite.

Cyrus’s face flushed. “Well, he can…” he hesitated, his face twisting with some internal battle before he added. “...shove it up his ass!” I cackled with laughter when I imagined Beleth’s reaction to that comment. Cyrus’ blush spread, but by the time I wiped the edges of my eyes, he was smiling again.

“I’m serious,” he said softly. “I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I am mad, but not at you,” I said. “I knew the risk I was taking by trying to seduce and kill you. I knew he’d be pissed when he woke up, so I had already assumed that if he caught up with me, he’d do something to punish me.” Cyrus winced again, his shoulders caving in so much, I felt the urge to hug him. “If anything, it’s my fault for provoking him and his for being… a fucked up bastard with anger issues and lack of self-control.” Cyrus scoffed, and the sound was enough to make me relax a bit. “I mean, for being his usual demon self.”

Something flashed in Cyrus’ gaze and even though I wasn’t an expert in demonic split personality, I was pretty sure that Beleth was trying to take control. The thought made me tense again, but Cyrus just closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and when he opened them again, the sharpness was gone.

“You knew he’d punish you and you still did it?” Cyrus asked quietly. “Why?”

I shrugged, expecting him to drop the topic, but he continued to stare with a stubborn look that reminded me of Isaac. I smiled at the memory of how worked up my mate got every time I jokingly called him ‘puppy’, and wondered if maybe the nickname would suit Cyrus more, considering his personality. The thoughts of Isaac brought back the heaviness in my chest and the same longing that had forced me to step out of this room and into Hell itself. Before I knew it, I was replying.

“Because I want to go back to my life,” I said honestly. “For the first time since I could remember, I have something good in my life, something to cherish and appreciate, and I…” I licked my lips, suddenly feeling conscious about what I was saying out loud. “I… I could almost feel happiness within my grasp.” Cyrus winced. “I don’t want to stay in Hell and be protected, Cyrus. And when Beleth said I should prepare to stay here forever, I…” I threw my hands in the air. “I want to go back to the people I love, even if it puts my last life in danger. What’s the point of being alive if I don’t have anything worth living for?”

Cyrus’ lip quivered and his eyes filled with tears again. I was starting to feel like I was the bad guy going around, kicking puppies, when, in reality, I was the one being held against my will. Still, that didn’t stop me from trying to move closer to give him a hug. There was just something inherently precious in the way he wore his heart on his sleeve and I… I felt the urge to protect that. Even if the proximity to his body was causing goosebumps to crawl all over my skin.

Just before I reached him, something pulled on my ankle. A curse and a few kicks later, I stared with disbelief at the shackle around my leg.

“Really?” I deadpanned, the urge to hug him vanishing like a puff of smoke. Cyrus wiped his eyes and gave me a somber smile that made me yank the chain, even though I knew it was pointless.

“It was either that or breaking your legs,” he murmured as he got up from the bed. “I’m sorry.”

“Do you have to do that a lot?” I asked while he moved aimlessly through the room, avoiding my gaze.

“Do what?”

“Apologize for him.”

Cyrus stopped by the table, staring unseeingly at its surface while he ran his fingers over it. I waited for him to deny it, but when he remained silent, I gave up on expecting any answer. Instead, I skidded to the edge of the bed, wincing at the pain that spread through my ass and back. The chain rattled on the floor, but even that didn’t seem to drag Cyrus out of his daze.

I tried to ignore him, but having him stand so quiet in the room made him look too much like Beleth and that unnerved me. I could only tell them apart from their speech and the way they stood and stared, and right now, he was avoiding all of those. Forcing a calm mask on my face, I tried to relieve some of the tension by stretching when he finally spoke.

“I know he can be horrible sometimes and he does things I don’t like, but…” I couldn’t see his expression from his angle, but his slouched shoulders told me all I needed to know. “He is also the reason we are both alive.” His voice was distant, almost like he was talking to himself, so I stayed still, straining to catch every word. “He appeared when I needed him and he saved me. He took every beating, every insult, and every pain instead of me. He still does it to this day. And…”

Cyrus stopped running his fingers over the table and finally met my gaze. His irises were so big, his eyes looked almost black, but the way his brows hung low confirmed it was still him talking.

“He came up with the idea to make Nym and send him to you.” He glanced at the door and I realized I hadn’t seen my familiar since I woke up. Where was he? The last time I saw him, he was fighting off that demon, but then with everything that happened…

“Cyrus, where is Nym?” I gasped and for a moment he looked like he had no idea what I was talking about.

“Ah, that,” he finally said, laughing awkwardly. “Nym’s fine. He’s just… running a few errands. He’ll be back soon.”

That didn’t sound convincing at all. I took a step toward him, but the chain stopped me from reaching the table.

“If Beleth did something to him…” I started, when Cyrus raised his hands defensively, shaking his head.

“No, really! He was slightly hurt, but when he healed, Beleth sent him out and we stayed with you.” I gave him a look of disbelief and his shoulders sank in. “Beleth didn’t trust him to keep you safe anymore, and I didn’t want to leave you alone so…” He sighed heavily. “He wouldn’t kill him, I promise. He wouldn’t kill either of you.”

I scoffed before I could stop myself. “Only until he gets his own power. After that…”

“He saved your life more times than you can count,” Cyrus interrupted me, his voice sounding almost disapproving. “And yes, it might have been for selfish reasons at first, but he kept saving you, even when your life wasn’t in danger.”

“What are you talking about?” I frowned.